Monday, December 30, 2019
An Essay On Man By Alexander Pope - 1265 Words
As the eighteenth-century moved forward, the socio-economic classes in England became more divided than ever. For authors, this expanded what they were able to write about, as the desire to be prosperous was beginning to take over the morality behind getting to the top social classes. In an excerpt from Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, Hobbes suggests that morality and economics are innate qualities of humans, as the species was designed to compete over such things. In an excerpt from Second Treatise on Government by John Locke, Locke argues that social norms have a greater strong-hold on morality than the drive for economics, though they both do drive humans. In â€Å"An Essay on Man†by Alexander Pope, Pope suggests to readers that morality and economics are linked to God’s plan for every human being. The relationship between economics and morality are explored by Hobbes, Locke, and Pope throughout their respective works. Hobbes combines morality and economics by tackling the innate qualities of human beings. According to Hobbes, humans are selfish creatures who are driven entirely by their own desires to self-preserve. He writes: â€Å"And therefore if any two men desire the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies; and in the way to their end†¦endeavor to destroy or subdue one another,†(Hobbes, 1). This concept applies to economics, as it soon becomes a debate of humans taking what others desire for no reason other than to just have it. While this isShow MoreRelatedCandide by Voltaire and Essay on Man by Alexander Pope578 Words  | 2 Pages In the book Candide, by Voltaire and in the â€Å"Essay On Man†by Alexander Pope, both authors write about similar ideas. However, they also have some drastic differences, such as Voltaires sarcastic over exaggeration of ideas that oppose his to make a point. Both Voltaire and Pope make conflicting arguments for a general ideology but Voltaire depicts in opinion much stronger. In the Essay on Man, Pope brings up many theories about the universe, Earth, and The Great Chain of Being. One of the mostRead MoreThe Life of Alexander Pope859 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"An honest mans the noblest work of God.†Alexander Pope life was rough as a child because of his illness. In his early career, and even later in life he wrote a lot of famous poets. Alexander Pope lived his life as a famous writer until death from his childhood sickness Alexander Pope an, English poet was born on May 21, 1688 on Lombard Street in London. His father, Alexander Pope, a Roman Catholic, was a linen-draper who afterwards retired from business with a small fortune, and fixed his homeRead MoreDifferent Viewpoints on Human Nature Essay520 Words  | 3 Pagesdetail than Candide, The Prince, and Essay on Man. Voltaire, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Alexander Pope, who wrote these three works respectively, concur with each other on many view points. But it is their differences that make the works unique. Voltaire wrote Candide in 1759 during the period known as the Enlightenment. It is a story that has a deeper symbolic meaning about life and human nature. At face value it seems to be an optimistic tale that speaks highly of man. But when looked at closely, itRead More Alexander Popes Essay on Man511 Words  | 3 PagesAlexander Popes Essay on Man - Man is Never Satisfied Alexander Popes Essay on Man is a philosophical poem, written, characteristically in heroic couplet. It is an attempt to justify and vindicate the ways of God to man. It’s also a warning that man himself is not as in his pride, he seems to believe the center of all things. Eventhough not truly Christian, the essay makes implicit assumption that man has fallen and that he must seek his own salvation. Pope sets out to demonstrateRead MoreSummary of Alexander Popes Poem An Essay Man743 Words  | 3 Pages An Essay on Man Summary Alexander Popes poem An Essay on Man begins with an introduction related to how Pope wants his friend, Lord Bolingbroke to abandon all of his plans in order to assist him in a mission meant to vindicate the ways of God to man. Section 1: The first section emphasizes the fact that man can judge only with regard to our own systems, as people do not have the ability to comprehend the greater scheme of things. Pope wants his readers to understand that humanity isRead MoreAn Essay on Man vs. Candide795 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿An Essay on Man vs. Candide During the period of Enlightenment, many philosophers began a new way of thinking. For philosopher Alexander Pope in An Essay on Man, Pope believed that, â€Å"Whatever is, is right†(L. 294), in that God is in control and every human being is a part of a greater design of God. Voltaire later challenged that belief in Candide with the idea that God does not produce order, but instead, we must produce it ourselves and use reason to give our lives meaning. Pope’s positionRead MoreTragedy : A Great Topic1061 Words  | 5 Pagesas in bodies, thus in souls, we find what wants in blood and spirit, swelled with wind: Pride, where Wit fails, steps in to our defence, and fills up all the mighty Void of sense.†(Page 702 Lines 1-10). This is a quote from Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Criticism. Alexander Pope wrote poetry. His favorite topic was informative. In this poem the first fourteen lines are about pride, stanza two is about the lack of learning. He also ta lks about wit, judging a book by the cover, how hard it is to pleaseRead More Analysis of Alexander Popes An Essay on Man949 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of Alexander Popes An Essay on Man  There are three main issues that Pope talks about in his long poem An Essay on Man. First, the poet evokes a timeless vision of humanity in which the universe is connected to a great chain that extends from God to the tiniest form of life. Secondly, Pope discusses Gods plan in which evil must exist for the sake of the greater good, a paradox not fully understandable by human reason. Thirdly, the poem accuses human beings of being proud and impiousRead More Comparison (J. Swift A. Pope) Essay562 Words  | 3 Pagesattitudes portrayed in Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man and Jonathan Swift’s â€Å"A Modest Proposal†towards mankind is strikingly similar. Both acknowledge the view that man has dominion over the earth, as created and instituted by God. However, the difference is seen in their approaches to this subject. Pope primarily focuses on man’s pride and place in society, whereas Swift discusses how man deals with certain situations reasonably or unr easonably. Pope and Swift present situations that man has to face inRead MoreAlexander Pope and Christianity1360 Words  | 6 Pagesof Christianity in Essay on Man Alexander Pope is an eighteenth century writer who spent most of his life suffering. He had a rare form of tuberculosis which left him in constant pain. As a result of this disease, he never grew very tall. He was only about four and a half feet tall and he also experienced migraines (Greenblatt 2714). Despite all of Pope’s impediments, he managed to write Essay on Man which portrays an extremely optimistic outlook on life. Although Pope says that he â€Å"avoids
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Hoop Dreams and Rasin in the Sun - Comparison Contrast Paper
The movie Hoop Dreams shows you the difficulties and obstacles that come in the way of dreams. Although its said that if you believe in a dream long enough it will come true, but in Hoop Dreams and A Raisin in the Sun you are shown the harsh realities of the falseness of that statement. And that the reality of a dream not coming true hits you like a brick wall. br brMany obstacles get in the way of the road to dreams in both stories. In both stories, all families suffer from having little knowledge, and it doesnt help that theyre all black. Also being poor and living in the ghetto makes things that much harder. Pregnancies also put big bumps in the road to success, in both instances it makes the families come together and try their†¦show more content†¦Walter needed his money, and William and Arthur needed more talent to be good enough to make it the NBA. All three of them had the same attitude towards the dreams, No matter what this dream is going to come true. The Worst part of it is that all of them let the dreams take over their lives. The harshest reality of all is that neither of their dreams come true. And each one of them had the chance to have their dreams come true, Walter had his money stolen, and neither William or Arthur had enough talent to make it to the NBA. The last deciding factor in making difference in dreams, Will iam had a mature dream, in that of owning a liquor store, and its a normal everyday dream. But, Williams and Arthurs dreams were immature and not very thoughtful. They both wanted to be in the NBA, and that was all they were going to do, they didnt even care if they had their education to fall back on, they both were so certain that they were going to make it in basketball that all they had to do was play. Luckily William realized that he needed something to fall back on in case of not being good enough to make it, so when he finally realized he wasnt going to make it to the NBA, he had an education. Arthur on the other hand, all his life was, was basketball, he ate, drank, and slept basketball, didnt care much about school. br brThe difference in these two stories clearly shows that Hoop Dreams clearly showed the harsh reality of dreams, and the
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Summary of Sociology Free Essays
Cutures are made up of different people, differnt backgrownds, Traditions, race and aspects of life. Culture shock can happen to an induvidual or group of people such as a tourisist or foreigner who have a problem adjusting to a new culture. Symbols play a huge part in all cultures around the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of Sociology or any similar topic only for you Order Now From everything to language, hand gestures and communicating. Different societies could possibly have the same symbols but mean totally different things by them. Adaptation is something human beings have done since the beginning of time to fit the environment best that we live in. Clearly diffusion plays a big part in cultures societies all over when we come in contact with one another expample: KFC in japan and chinese food in america. Diffusion at it’s best. Cultural lag is something that some societies suffer, from where one culture is moving faster than another in a technological sence. Scientist believe that animals do not share culture amongst themselves, but some scientisist do, when a test in the 1950’s had shown that apes are capable of mastering small aspect of human language without talking. There are three types of norms cultures usally go by. Norms, Ideal norms and real norms. A norm in america would be eating beef and in hinduism there norm would be to worship cows an ideal norm in in china would be that math is something that everyone should be good at. Real norms would mean†¦ There are ten comandments but the way times are in the world the average person has broken at least one anyway. I feel i can relate to cultural shock alot because when i first moved outhere from L. A in 1995 i was a kid and i hated it. No noise at night did’nt know anyone yet had to make friends all over again and start at a new school. Took me some time but after a while i finally got used to it and it took me a while to stop missing where i came form. How to cite Summary of Sociology, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
ALDI Operations Business Store Chains
Question: Describe about the ALDI Operations for Business Store Chains. Answer: Introduction ALDI operates more than 7000 stores in Germany, Australia and the U.S. The company is in phase to expand its operations. The company has established stores that are recognized as the best value among the store chains. The company believes in getting competitive advantage through efficiency. The Supermarket industry is highly competitive and the customers are price sensitive. The customers seek value for money, i.e. the best product at the cheapest price possible. The company understands this competition and has a lean approach in its business operations. They offer their customers quality products at competitive prices. The target strategy of the company is such that they reduce the price of the product without reducing its quality, this gives ALDI advantage over its competitors. The company believes in eliminating wastes and reducing costs in all the business areas such as time, energy, space, and effort. The company has a culture where they improve continuously and has Just-in-time production that reduces their need to maintain large stock levels. The time-based management allows the company to have operations in time and reduce wastage. The company has flexible multi-skilled workforce. The company has quality assurance ideals where the workers have the responsibility to get it right in the first time (Mckeown, 2015). Expansion of ALDI in the selected market The company should expand its operations in Czech Republic. It is a country located in Central Europe with the population of 10.5 million and estimated nominal GDP of $189.882 bn. Industry Analysis: PESTLE FRAMEWORK Political Factors The company has operated in a globalized environment with its stores being in Germany, Australia and the U.S. Aldis performance is influenced by the political and legislative conditions of the country in which it operates. The company has to give mix job opportunities that are flexible and range from lower to high pay, local based as well as skilled and for this the company needs employment legislations. It is often considered that once a new retail store is developed it usually destroys the traditional stores business and they are compelled to cut costs, so Aldi has to understand its impact on the people and their job since it is operating in a labor-intensive sector. The country is a member of the U.N., the European Union and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development. The overall political framework would work in the favor of the company in expanding its operations (Sharma, 2015). Economic Factors Economic factors are of a major concern for the company. They are majorly out of the control of the company but they affect the performance largely. Czech Republic has shown a growth rate of 2% in grocery retail in 2014 due to improved economic conditions of the country. Hypermarkets beings the highest channel accounts for thirty eight per cent of the total value share of retail. Aldi operates at very competitive price offering discounts and has competition with two major players, Penny market and Lidli. The advantages that ALDI has are the improved economic conditions are expected to increase consumption. The country has good and developed infrastructure and also highly developed distribution system but to the disadvantage the company has to face some heavy competition (Riholdi, 2013). Social and Cultural Factors Aldi targets customers, who want products of quality at a decent price. The general tendency of most Czech customers is that they are price-sensitive. Though there is a growing demand of people who would pay for good quality a little extra price but most customers would prefer quality at a nominal rate. To top this type of clientele the company has to continue its policy of offering discounts and giving quality product at a competitive price. Technological factors Major factors that influence the development of any company are the technological factors. The company has been an efficient company and used technology to its advantage in cutting costs. Czech will continue to provide such technological benefits to the company since the country is technologically developed. Legal Factors Legislative policies have a direct impact. The country has laws and policies in place and the company has to abide by them to work in Czech. The policy for monopoly controls and reduction of buyers power might carry stringent rules to enter the market. Environmental Factors The environmental factors will not be an issue for the company. The country provides good working conditions environment both in terms of temperature and working conditions. The overall analysis suggests that ALDI should expand its operations in Czech Republic due to its growing economy, stable political framework, supporting economic and technological factors and supportive legislature policies. The overall environment to conduct business in Czech will be more beneficial for the company than expanding into New Zealand or Mexico. Opportunities and Threat in Industrial environment Industry Analysis: Porters five forces 1. Threat of New Entrants The modern grocery store dominates grocery market in terms of value share of the retail, whereas traditional retailors dominate in terms of the number of outlets. The threat of new entrants is high in this type of industry. Czech has free trade within European union, so the retail chains can seek their suppliers from more economical sources within the European zone, this makes setting up a retail unit easier as good quality supply can be sourced at a cheaper price. The barriers to entry are not any legal barriers but only that the competition is severe and cost of capital investment is high in setting up, but for a company like ALDI investing capital and competing with big players is not a difficult situation (ALDI, swot analysis, Usp competitors, 2016). Economies of scale: The retail industry has to make use to economies of scale to sustain in the market. Power lies with Aldi because the company is using economies to scale to a great extent it in its operations. Capital Requirement of entry: to enter the market the capital requirement is high. There is no entry and exit cost but cost of setting up is high, the company can face competition from small competitors but they will not be a major threat. Customer or supplier loyalty: Customers are price sensitive and can shift from one retail brand to another if the prices are low. Supply chain the distribution system has to be well developed. Experience to compete with existing market leader a new entrant needs an experience in the industry. Differentiation- the opportunity lies in differentiation but the company cannot offer differentiated products because it will lead to rise in price. Bargaining Power of Suppliers This force represents the power that lies with the suppliers. The supplier has a fear of losing their business to big retail stores or supermarkets. This puts them in not a very strong position to bargain with the supermarkets. The supermarkets in this case have the options to source good quality material at cheaper prices from anywhere in the European Union since the country has no trade barriers in the zone. This gives supermarkets all the more powers to bargain with the suppliers and get good prices. The supermarkets are forced to get products at cheaper price due to severe competition. They have been forced to reduce their profit margins and this affects their relationship with the supplier that is under constant tension. Aldi ensures to meet the standards with their products. Along with the company also has a just in time approach which only allows the company to hold onto the stock that is essential. Bargaining Power of Customers The bargaining power of the customer is high if the company is catering to individual clients and is service based. Aldi being in one such industry realizes that the customer is price sensitive and switches because of costs since there is no transfer cost involved. Aldi as a seller has to be more persuasive to sell its product since the bargaining power of the customer is high. Since it is entering the market as has severe competition, there is no brand loyalty as of now for the company in the market of Czech, so the company has to develop brand loyalty of the customer by giving them discounts and offers that they are tempted to be loyal towards ALDI. Threat of substitutes Generic substitution reduces the demand for a certain product. The threat of customer switching to another brand or substitute will always be high for the company. The company is also threatened by the change in trend as this will also lead to change in the demand pattern for the product. In this industry there is a product for product or there is a substitute for every product. Aldi also has to face such threats in their business. Bargaining Power of Competitors The industry is very significant in its size. It is huge; there are lots of existing players in the market, the large players as well as the small players. The large players will always dominate the market with their prices and variety; the small players might be dominating in the area of ease and convenience. To operate in such a competitive market the company has to operate on its full potential. Aldi is a sophisticated large chain, and they can capture the client information well and can make relevant use of such information in a way that they can communicate with the client and can use it to their advantage. Aldi as a large market player will always have to focus on low price and value but also provide quality product along with the value element of service. The opportunity for the company lies in bargaining power with the suppliers. The company can bargain with the supplier on their own terms since the company is a big market player and a supplier would not like to lose on to such a big key player. The threats would always hover like threats of new entry in the market, threats of substitute, and threats of increasing the customer bargaining power and most importantly threat of rivalry. A company has to analyze all its opportunities and threats. Strengths and weakness in the internal environment Aldi enjoys a sustained competitive advantage. The company has its strength and weaknesses in the internal environment. The strength of the company lies in its product diversity and size. The weakness is that the products are easily substituted and there is no difficulty in imitating the products. VRIO analysis is a framework where several elements are considered for evaluation. V is for value, i.e., what is the value of the resource and how easy it is to obtain the resource from the market. R is for Rare, whether the resource is limited or rare. I is for imitability, is it difficult to imitate the product or not and O is for organization in respect to its arrangements, whether the organization has properly supported the resources with the arrangements or not. This analysis is done considering all the elements. The result is usually in terms of competitive advantage to the firm. It could be; No value would result in competitive disadvantage to the firm. Value but not rare would result in competitive equality. Value, rare but could be imitated would result in temporary competitive advantage. Value, rare and not easily imitated but the organization is not using it properly to the advantage would result in the unused competitive advantage. Value, rare, not easy to imitate, and organization is using the resource properly would result in long-term competitive advantage to the company (Jurevicious, 2013). Resource Value Rare Imitable Organization Impact Diversity of products Yes No Yes Yes Temporary Competitive equity Size of the company Yes No No Yes Temporary Competitive equity Brand Name Yes Yes Yes Yes Long term Competitive Advantage Guest Service Yes Yes Yes Yes Long term Competitive Advantage The analysis of this table shows that Aldi has value for money products, but they are not rare and are easily imitable, but the organization makes full use to the products and showcases the diversity. The impact of this on the organization results in temporary competitive advantage, reason being that the products are from different category, but could be easily found anywhere since they are not rare and are imitable. The size of the company is of value, since it is large, is not rare though because similar scale operations are there in the industry who serve the similar kind of products, the size of the organization is imitable but the organization is using its full potential to showcase the products and make use of its resources. The brand name of the company is a value for it, since the name involves discount it adds value and is rare for the company. It is not imitable and the organization stands true on its name and offers the products at a very competitive price to its customers. The guest service at the stores are of value, since Aldi has a no nonsense store policy and they do not believe in elaborate store displays but they rather believe in good customer service by offering at a cheaper price. It is rare for the company and not easily imitable. The organization justifies the use of the resources with its guest service. The strength of the company lies in its brand name, size of the company, value for money approach. But the weakness of the internal environment is that the products are easily imitable and there are several others in the industry with the same pattern of business model. The diversity of products is strength but it is does not give the company a long term competitive advantage, since the products are not rare. The long term competitive advantage is in the discounts the company offers which is possible due to the collective power company has over their supplier that helps them in reducing the cost of the products and giving the best price to their customers (luo, 2014). Modes of entry for the firm in the Czech Market The retail stores operating on a large-scale level that serve in various countries have their own supply chain. They procure the material from one major source that helps them achieve economies of scale. However in Czech, due to the free trade the retail chains have the liberty to source materials from the local vendors in large quantities and save on the cost of transporting materials from their headquarters to the retail outlet. The most common types on entry available to the international retail stores are, non-controlling interest, Setting up international stores as a part of internal expansion, merger or takeover, franchise model, joint venture and green field investment. Non-controlling interest- this approach is for the companies who are in their initial years of expansion. When the company is evaluating its expansion options in the international market but lacks the market understanding and has the option of putting in the money in an established brand of the country in question. The companies then usually put their interest in a company operating aboard but they do not get any direct control of the management or over the operations. International stores set up as a part of internal expansion process- when a company is interested in the global presence and has analyzed the potential market for their product, they open a store under their direct brand name. the resources are put in branding and marketing the new operations of the company. This is usually done by the most established brands that are aware of their brand equity. Takeovers when a big company buys out a smaller company. This is done when an existing business is either in needs of funds or management expertise to sustain in the market. The big company takes over the control and operations of the smaller business. The business is taken over and the company who has taken over decides the operational process of the smaller company. Merger is when two company forms an alliance, it is either a partnership of a said percentage or complete merger. One of the company is either dissolved or both the companies form an alliance to become one. Either way, the footprints of the larger company are more visible in the market. This model is adapted by a lot of big companies who plan to expand their operations internationally but have certain barriers either in terms of market understanding, legislative or process of the country. Franchise model this is the most common and favored model of the expansion. The business which is a established name in the market, when it decides to enter the international market but does not want to merge with the local business or has no willingness to take over any smaller business and does not directly wants to invest resources in setting up operations abroad, they form a franchisee agreement. A franchisee agreement enables a brand to lease out its name and operations process to the person they decide to form an agreement with. The liability to invest in the business is of the second person. Under this model, the parent company guides the franchisee for its operations and functioning. This model is highly successful model but it also depends on the right entity that forms an agreement with the established brand. Joint venture is when partners form an alliance to expand their operations and work for the benefit of both the companies. A brand of one country might form an alliance with the brand of another country to establish its outlets there. Greenfield investment in this form the company directly invests in the foreign country and starts its operations from the ground. The company builds every possible necessity required to undertake its operations. This is done when the companies usually have competitive advantages and are on the willingness to achieve economies of scale. The most appropriate or suitable mode of entry for Aldi would be Green Field Investment model. In this model Aldi would build its facilities in Czech, would establish distribution hubs and all the other required amenities. The company believes in achieving economies of scale and thrives on competitive advantage. The company would have maximum design flexibility to meet the requirements of the project. The new facility would also reduce the maintenance cost for the company and it could be designed and build accordingly to meet the current as well as future needs. The company would also get a chance to improve its corporate image in the establishing country. The drawbacks might be that the sites may not be fully operational for quite a while till all the operations are completed and it might take considerate time frame to get the approvals from the concerning councils. The company might have to meet some difficulties while setting up the sites in terms of ground conditions, approvals a nd permissions, and lack of site availability, high costs incurrence (Dudovskiy, 2012). Conclusion The company should expand its business operations In Czech Republic because of the political stability, good legal, economical and technological environment of the country. The company has its strengths in offering the low price along with quality to its clients. The company believes on attaining economies of scale. The company should take the Greenfield mode of investment in the country while planning to set up its operations that will help them achieve economies of scale in their operations. References (2016). What is pestle analysis? A tool for business analysis. [Online]. Available at: URL [Accessed on 10th October 2016]. ( 2016). Czech Republic: Economic and Political Outline [Online]. Available at: URL [Accessed on 10th October 2016]. (2014). OCED better life initiative.[ Online] Available at: URL: [Accessed on 10th October 2016]. (2016). Doing business in Czech Republic. [Online]. Available at: URL [Accessed on 10th October 2016]. (2016). 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