Sunday, August 23, 2020
Spanish-Speaking Groups in the United States Essay Example for Free
Spanish-Speaking Groups in the United States Essay This examination paper will distinguish the semantic, political, social, monetary, strict, and familial shows or statuses of Columbian Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Rican Americans living in the United States.| Social Interests of Spanish-Speaking Groups in the United States Cultural interests of Columbian Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Rican Americans that live in the United States of America are the center on account of the decent variety and contention that encompasses them. The United States gathered all the Spanish-talking individuals that begin from Latin America, Central America, or South America together as one ethnic gathering alluded to as Hispanics or Latinos. Social interests recognized for every one of these four gatherings will comprise of their own group’s etymology, political status, societal position, monetary status, strict status, and familial shows. The primary Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Columbian Americans. Sturner (2012), â€Å"Spanish is the language of most Colombian-American families in the United States, where it fills in as maybe the surest methods for saving traditions†(Colombian Americans). Columbians don't accept they will stay in the United States due to the movement limitations, accordingly Columbian Americans generally give themselves to governmental issues in Columbia, and most don't turn out to be engaged with American legislative issues (Sturner, 2012). Columbian Americans sought after expert vocations and accepting work as workers, assembly line laborers, local hirelings, and started private companies (Sturner, 2012). As indicated by Sturner (2012), In the mid-1990’s Colombian Americans had one of the most noteworthy normal wages among Latinos and many thrived in business, particularly in adventures in Miami identified with exchange with Latin America†(Colombian Americans). Socially, they create solid binds with other Latinos through casual systems since they share a shared characteristic of Spanish-language media, which gives news, diversion, and music from Latin America (Sturner, 2012). The Catholic church offers vital help to Latin Americans all through the United States and strict services are intently attached to significant traditions and conventions, for example, compadrazgo (Sturner, 2012). Safeguarding has been guaranteed as of late as wards have included Spanish-language administrations (Sturner, 2012). Columbian migrants protect their family conventions as a central worry against pressures experienced in American culture (Sturner, 2012). Their customary jobs are that the spouse is the breadwinner, the wife is the homemaker, and the kids are educated to comply with their folks and regard authority (Sturner, 2012). The subsequent Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Cuban Americans. Those conceived in the United States will in general be English Speakers and have less office with Spanish, while those brought into the world abroad have more noteworthy office with Spanish and the greater part have some English capacity also (Buffington, 2012). Cuban Americ an people group are very much absorbed in the United States and have noteworthy political impact due to their size (Buffington, 2012). Buffington (2012), Cuban Americans are rumored to being traditionalist strategically and to cast a ballot overwhelmingly for the Republican Party Elections†(Cuban Americans). The most significant political association for them is the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) on the grounds that it is viewed as the delegate of the Cuban American people group (Buffington, 2012). Financially Cuban Americans intently take after the all out U.S. populace and they have more prominent monetary security than other Hispanic gatherings (Buffington, 2012). They are profoundly instructed and a moderate level of their populace has finished school or graduate tutoring (Buffington, 2012). Most Cuban Americans report and see a non-oppressive relationship with White Americans (Buffington, 2012). Cuban Americans overwhelmingly recognize themselves as Roman Catholics, anyway a little rate are some type of Protestantism, and one-fourth of local brought into the world Cuban Americans state they either have no inclination or have another strict connection (Buffington, 2012). Most Cuban American families have acquired the American lifestyle, which is essentially not quite the s ame as the customary Cuban family from multiple points of view (Buffington, 2012). Compadres or grandparents are less inclined to assume noteworthy jobs of Cuban American kids and Cuban American ladies are bound to have more noteworthy expert in the family in view of joining the workforce to add to the family pay for security and freedom of the family (Buffington, 2012). The third Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Mexican Americans. Spanish has remained their essential language of all Mexicans in the Southwestern United States. It got important for laborers and understudies to get capable in English to proceed to work and get training. The Political Association of Spanish-Speaking Organizations (PASSO) and Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) were made to express ethnic political objectives (Englekirk Marin, 2012). Discontent with both the Democratic and Republican gatherings in 1970, Mexican Americans made an option ideological group called La Raza Unida (LRU), which had noteworthy achievement (Englekirk Marin, 2012). Generally the democratic examples of Mexican Americans have been Democratic at the presidential level. Most of Hispanic-claimed organizations existing in the United States are constrained by Mexican Americans, and this has added to the development of the Mexican American white collar class. Englekirk and Marin (2012), Despite the enhancement in work into divisions of the national economy, compensation have stayed low for most individuals from the Mexican American community†(Mexican Americans). Englekirk and Marin (2012), â€Å"Following the Mexican-American War, expanding savagery executed by Anglo Americans made Mexicans and Mexican Americans strongly mindful of their subordinate status inside the American Southwest†(Mexican Americans). Mexican Americans made an assortment of social and political associations that elevated ethnic solidarity to endeavor to adapt to their inferior status. Most of the Mexican American populace is of the Catholic confidence with a little rate that changed over to Protestantism and different beliefs. In the conventional Mexican American family their more distant family and dearest companions are the same amount of a piece of their family as their close family on account of an arrangement of common reliance and regard for older folks that makes an affectionate nuclear family. The last Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Puerto Ricans. Appropriate Castilian Spanish is the local language of Puerto Ricans. Green (2012), Although English is educated to most grade younger students in Puerto Rican government funded schools, Spanish remains the essential language on the island of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rican Americans). There is a considerably higher pace of voter cooperation among Puerto R icans on the island than on the U.S. terrain. There is political skepticism among the Puerto Ricans in light of the absence of chance and instruction for the moved populace, however the Puerto Rican populace can be a significant political power when sorted out (Green, 2012). A few issues, for example, wrongdoing, tranquilize misuse, poor instructive chances, joblessness, and the breakdown of the Puerto Rican family structure have made them be by and large, the most financially hindered Latino gathering in the United States (Green, 2012). Puerto Rican American social absorption has been one of extraordinary achievement blended in with major issues (Green, 2012). Green (2012), Because numerous Puerto Ricans are of blended Spanish and African plummet, they have needed to bear a similar kind of racial segregation frequently experienced by African Americans†(Puerto Rican Americans). Most Puerto Ricans are Catholic, however strength has been declining and the nearness of numerous different type of Protestants has been expanding (Green, 2012). Among the Puerto Rican Catholics, a little minority effectively practice some adaptation of Santeria (Green, 2012). Green (2012), Puerto Rican family and network elements have a broad Spanish impact and still will in general mirror the seriously male centric social association of European Spanish culture†(Puerto Rican Americans). The two people have solid jobs in childbearing and spot a high incentive on instructing their kids. Since we have investigated these four races, we can unmistakably comprehend the likenesses and contrasts between them. They have been assembled paying little mind to their birthplace since they share the Spanish language. We can be certain that Columbian Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Rican Americans make up an extremely differing ethnic gathering. Each race is one of a kind in their social customs about family and strict convictions. Their financial aspects, economic wellbeing, and political perspectives we investigated are just a little impression of what their identity is and how they live their lives in the United States. References Buffington, S. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from Englekirk, A. Marin, M. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from - Americans.html Green, D. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from Schaefer, R. T. (2006). Racial and Ethnic Groups (6th ed.). Recovered from University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Sturner, P. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Review On Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Information Technology Essay
A Review On Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Information Technology Essay Presentation An undertaking asset arranging (ERP) frameworks is that they coordinate across capacities to make a solitary, brought together framework as opposed to a gathering of isolated, separate applications. As ERP framework is giving ideal arrangements and solid authority over the organization activities, each business is searching forward for this selection. Since as of now accessible ERP virtual products are charging at more elevated level of permitting and supporting costs, organizations are in the need of finding an open source elective. This record gives the doable open source elective alternative to the present market pioneer in the restrictive ERP SAP ECC. Open Source ERP Systems: Coming up next are the famous open source ERP frameworks accessible in the most recent market. In spite of the fact that there are many number of open sources are accessible like Opentaps, Ofbiz, ERP5, etc here just thought to be not many which are decently satisfy business necessities in contrast and SAP arrangements. Adempiere This is one of the major ERP pioneers in the open source innovations and has been come about best in little and medium industry clients basically in Retail, Trading, Manufacturing and administration segments. [Adempiere Release Manual]. This is exceptionally energetic and dynamic network based programming and is in the main 5 situations as per Compiere In the present period, Compiere is the most well known open source ERP+CRM application. It is a complete answer for SMEs. This gives arrangements in Distribution, Retail, Manufacturing and Service ventures with exceptionally versatile and simple to utilize undertaking class applications. In ERP, first time Compiere began progressive plan through which applications are empowered with simple customization and augmentation with no programing. Openbravo This is progressively business situated open source ERP. ERP arrangement gives a hearty application which incorporates dispersion, stock, E-business, bookkeeping and retail location work processes. This has been gotten consistently best open source grants in 2009 and 2010 from Infoworld and a lot more acknowledgments from different Organizations. It is created in java and prophet, postgres SQL databases can be utilized. OpenERP(Farmer TinyERP) This is exhaustive suite for all tasks of an Enterprise. It follows the particular methodology which causes client to start one application and afterward include others as they go. This is structured through a well known 3 level MVC design. Written in Python and Database is PostgreSQL. Customers are required to introduce streak parts in their internet browser to get to. OpenPro OpenPro is a pioneer in authorized Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) programming utilizing open source innovation and furthermore this is the main online ERP programming began on request in the market since 1988. This product planned as a stage free and is written in open source php. Throughout the years, Software has indicated consistent enhancements by giving propelled includes along application adjustment. This is perceived as most appropriate for the bigger organizations. Open Source ERP Pros and Cons Coming up next are the preferences and inconveniences of above open source choices. ADempiere Points of interest: Engineering Model driven Architecture Dynamic information word reference lessening 80% coding work in customization Program/Server + Client/Server Database free : PostgresSQL/Oracle/(MySQL) Capacity Structure Gives ERP, CRM, POS. Assembling module Multi Organization, Multi cash, Multi bookkeeping, Internationalization Market Top 5 in Existing client/client base. Rich practice in genuine business condition, as opposed to a guinea pig in the library. Network Exceptionally energetic and dynamic. Worldwide help. Hindrances: Network No formal political structure to decide. No predetermined guide. Absence of adequate financing, cannot bear the cost of center engineers. Market Not very notable to the overall population. Client/client base is little contrasted with SAP. Execution Not straightforward enough for brisk usage which is significant for little estimated undertaking. Complete Cost of Ownership (TCO) is moved from authorizing expenses to absence of skill nearby help in certain nations. Compiere Focal points Multi organization and complex corporate progressive system support Multi money and multi language support Conveys completely coordinated ERP item with complex distribution center administration preparing and so forth. Rich web applications by utilizing ajax coordination and this conveys usefulness, ease of use, responsiveness and personalization through a Web program The framework utilizes an incorporated and dynamic application word reference to store meta-information and rules to overseeing custom arrangements Simple overhauls without programming which supports the client customization through redesign instrument Gives total application level security Seller free Steady and all around tried No data stowing away , full straightforwardness of coding by open source Remarkable wide come to, no beginning expenses Model driven engineering, Application registry is accessible Any sql database is bolstered Detriments Not as of now complete opensource, since the decision of Oracle database. In light of thick customer Java Swing GNU permit needs subordinate work to be returned. OpenBravo Points of interest Simple coordination with different applications since it underpins REST and SOAP administrations. Gives preparing, support, counseling, re-appropriating alternatives to accomplices and customers at lower costs implies lower complete expense of Ownership. Electronic ERP Progressive engineering Unique blend of MVC and MDD, inventive way to deal with assemble and keep up programming coding. Versatility Openbravo can scale independent of the size and division of the organization Simple establishment and No seller/provider lock in Seclusion with no support issues application can be effortlessly broadened. Burdens Indeed, even a normal individual can compose a PHT customer class for REST administration. This prompts security issues and shows the uncertainty on code dependability Presently at lower Support and upkeep cost, future isn't ensured since OpenBravo is business centered. Free coupling between database mix in coding point of view. OpenERP (Farmer TinyERP) Preferences It has larger part of all other application favorable circumstances. Secluded structure serves to simple appropriation of new applications Certain customization should be possible through internet browser in on the web SAAS administrations are accessible Extremely little impression, windows installer of simply 85MB, establishment will done in minutes time. Convenience Trend setting innovation utilization Very Innovating programming twofold passage the executives in stock control Internationalization 72% scored from Independent specialists bunch assessment in Open source erp virtual products. Impediments OpenPro Focal points Material for all sizes of organizations Composed on open source PHP First electronic programming, develop , solid and quicker Since electronic, customers or clients or agents can get to framework from anyplace remotely through a web. No support cost Shorter usage time Impediments No successive updates for open source though accessible for OpenPro business items. No help at liberated from cost. Need to pay More business arranged as opposed to open source. Assessment of Open Source ERP System Practical Fit Adaptability Backing Congruity Development Customization Flexibile redesigns Internationalization Ease of use Design Adaptability Security Interfaces Working System Independence Database Independence Programming language Bolster foundation Preparing Documentation Undertaking structure Network action Transperancy Update recurrence Other lock in impacts Advancement status Reference destinations So as to choose the best open source elective progressively organized models has been picked. All open source options data has been arranged into 5 gatherings and contrasted and every one of other alongside the need of organization prerequisites. The accompanying correlation table gives the away from of chose ERP framework. ERP System Implementation Strategy Execution is the key procedure for which organization needs to distinguish a key methodology. According to Guido Capaldo Study, demonstrated that an arranged situated methodology is required for evaluating the capacities that organizations ought to have so as to choose the more proper execution system. Usage process separated into 5 stages for smooth execution. Each stage has its own cutoff time to effective consummation. Stage 1: Strategic Planning Task Team: Forming an undertaking group with first line workers from every division and senior administration. Brilliant destinations will be set up for whole group and colleagues will be appointed with explicit errand. Action tracker will be intended to follow every movement, for example, timetables, preparing plan definition, objective settling. Look at current business forms: Team ought to analyze their individual office business forms whether they are prepared to robotize or to distinguish any holes which should be satisfied. Set Objectives: Clearly characterized destinations should be set. Since execution is a significant assignment, setting S.M.A.R.T destinations are progressively critical. So as to characterize a target, group ought to have the option to comprehend the extent of the business. Build up a venture plan: Team ought to build up a task plan with the obviously characterized destinations, courses of events, and preparing methods with each colleague singular duties expressed. Consequence of this, all colleagues lineup for the day will be obviously characterized. Stage 2: Procedure survey Survey Software Capabilities Train on every single part of OpenERP programming. Task group dedicatedly audit the product abilities. Guarantee that there are no any specialized holes. Recognize manual procedures Task group ought to distinguish the manual proces
Friday, August 21, 2020
Art management essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Workmanship the board - Essay Example On the equivalent legitimate issue, during the residency of the US president George W Bush, there was a fixing of limitations around the Cuba ban and it turned into somewhat harder for US residents particularly to get to work of art from Cuba openly as had been the situation previously. This was additionally because of campaigning by certain individuals from families who had their craft seized by the Fidel Castro system when he took power (Yulia, 2010). This is especially evident with the instance of the Billionaire Fanjul family that had a huge assortment reallocated and later sold by the Cuban government. They campaigned to have anybody exchanging their work of art pronounced to be infringing upon exchanging with the adversary laws set up to forestall exchange with Cuba yet under which fine art was absolved. Another law that the Fanjuls and others are depending on in their journey to recoup their lost work of art is the Helms-Burton Act which squares individuals that bargain in Cuban appropriated property and their close families from entering the United States and furthermore frees them up to installment of potential harms. For this situation there is the Argentinean workmanship seller Bruno Sciaoli whom they have learned to currently possess one of their under-appreciated skill pieces known as the Malaga Porta painted by Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida. This Act was anyway not worthy to the European Union which at that point passed a goals which forestalls its requirement inside the EU. The issue of the law not being enforceable in the EU emerges from the way that the EU perceives Cuba as a sovereign country just as its choice to nationalize resources which incorporates the seized fine art. In the US its ban laws restrict exchange the seized properties from Cuba. In the event that the state office attempts and sees the craftsmanship seller Bruno Sciaoli as blameworthy, at that point they will have opened a totally different time in the deals of this works of art. It will have confounded any deals of fine art sourced from Cuba which is going on at
music ap Essay Example
music ap Paper The relative height or lowness of a sound is called pitch Elements in music alludes to how boisterous or delicate A musical band comprises for the most part of metal, woodwind, and percussion instruments Musical groups vary from musical symphonies in that they try not to contain a string segment The saxophone is a solitary reed woodwind instrument Which of coming up next is certifiably not a twofold reed instrument? clarinet The ______ is comparative fit as a fiddle to the trumpet, however its tone is all the more smooth. cornet A discord is a mix of tones that is viewed as shaky and tense The focal tone around which a melodic piece is sorted out is known as the tonic Tweak alludes to a move starting with one key then onto the next inside a similar organization the dim ages in europe started around 450 with the crumbling of the Roman Empire The congregation disliked instruments in view of their prior job in agnostic customs most midieval music was gregorian serenade In the Middle Ages the organ bit by bit developed into an adaptable instrument that could play perplexing polyphonic music The principal huge group of mainstream melodies that makes due in understandable documentation was formed during the twelfth and thirteenth hundreds of years by French nobles called troubadours and trouvã ¨res The French mainstream tunes of the Middle Ages normally managed love, turning, campaigns Which of the accompanying explanations isn't valid for common music in the Middle Ages? The medieval jongleurs, significant wellsprings of data in when there were no papers, were likewise positioned on a high social level. The song added to the Gregorian serenade to frame organum around 1100 was normally ______________ the first serenade. more indipened and more slow A serenade that is utilized as the reason for polyphony is known as cantus firmus Common music in the fourteenth century turned out to be a higher priority than sacrosanct music did not depend on Gregorian serenade remembered drinking tunes and pieces for which feathered creature calls, hound barks, and chasing yells were imitated Which of the accompanying explanations isn't valid for Renaissance music? Instrumental music turned out to be a higher priority than vocal music during the Renaissance. The surface of Renaissance music is primarily polyphonic A cappella alludes to unaccompanied choral music WRONG Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrinas vocation focused in Florence preparing, as Josquins, was in Flanders music incorporates 104 masses and about 450 other sacrosanct works Which of the accompanying arrangers isn't a significant madrigalist? Josquin Desprez The Renaissance ballett is a dancelike melody for a few performance voices Terpsichore, an assortment of more than 300 move tunes, was masterminded instrumental troupe by Michael Praetorius The ____________ is a masterful move in duple meter like the pavane. passamezzo Which of coming up next isn't valid for Venice in the sixteenth century? It was a piece of the Papal States on the northeastern shoreline of Italy. wrong Which of the accompanying explanations isn't correct? St. Imprints Cathedral in Venice utilized up to twenty instrumentalists and thirty artists for terrific services. The word extravagant has at different occasions implied the entirety of the accompanying aside from naturalistic Ornate painters abused their materials to grow the capability of ____________ to make completely organized universes. shading trimming and detail profundity The early ornate was described by homophonic surface The performance instruments in Bachs Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 are the ____________, violin, and harpsichord. woodwind In numerous fugues, the subject in one voice is continually went with in another voice by an alternate melodic thought called a(n) countersubject Turning the subject of a fugue topsy turvy, or switching the bearing of every interim, is called reversal Bachs individual melodic style was drawn from Italian concertos French move pieces German church music An assortment of organizations that shows all the assets of fugue composing is Johann Sebastian Bachs Craft of the Fugue Albeit all the developments of an ornate suite are in a similar key, they vary in meter national inception rhythm The ____________ is an instrumental piece dependent on a chorale. chorale preface An orchestra is a sonata for symphony The twofold bass in the old style ensemble, as in Mozarts Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, for the most part copies the cello section an octave lower Regular in old style music, the string bass part in Mozarts Eine Kleine Nachtmusik sounds an octave lower than the cello part The standard request of developments in an old style orchestra is quick, slow, move related, quick An old style concerto is a three-development work for instrumental soloist and symphony The most significant type of old style ambiance music is the string quirtet The piano trio is a melodic organization for violin, cello, and piano Haydn was blessed in having a long and productive, just as monetarily stable relationship with the honorable Hungarian group of Esterhã ¡zy Haydn was a productive writer, as exhibited to a limited extent by his 68 string groups of four and 104 ensembles Which of the accompanying articulations isn't correct? The finale of Beethovens Ninth Symphony depends on Schillers sonnet about human fellowship, Ode to Joy. Beethoven opened new domains of melodic articulation that significantly impacted arrangers all through the nineteenth century. Like Haydn and numerous different arrangers of the traditional period, Beethoven was best monetarily when in the administration of the privileged. In the finale of his Ninth Symphony, Beethoven made the remarkable stride of utilizing a melody and four independent vocalists. Like Haydn and numerous different authors of the old style time frame, Beethoven was best monetarily when in the administration of the nobility. Drawing inventive motivation from societies of grounds unfamiliar to the author is known as exoticism A sentimental arranger who earned his living as a visiting virtuoso was Franz Liszt The German arrangers of craftsmanship tunes supported, among others, the verse of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Heinrich Heine Robert Schumanns works are intensly personal. normally connected with elucidating titles, messages, or projects. basically melodious in nature. Liszt made the ______________, a one-development symphonic structure put together somewhat with respect to a scholarly or pictorial thought. musical sonnet Other than his melodic accomplishments, Mendelssohn was a gifted painter splendid conversationalist in four dialects fine author Instrumental music enriched with abstract or pictorial affiliations is called _______ music. program Tchaikovsky took part as a conductor in a show initiating Carnegie Hall in New York The German ace _____________ prescribed DvoYÃ ¡ks music to his own distributer, bringing about a fast spread of DvoYÃ ¡ks acclaim. Johannes Brahms The lyrics to The Ring of the Nibelung were composed by Wagner himself Striking a gathering of nearby keys on a piano with the clench hand or lower arm will result in a tone group Which of coming up next isn't normal for neoclassicism? foggy climate Neoclassical authors displayed a large number of their works after the structures of Johann Sebastian Bach Sergei Diaghilev was the chief of the Russian Ballet During the 1950s Stravinsky drastically changed his style, drawing motivation from Anton Webern Schoenbergs third period, in which he built up the twelve-tone framework, started around 1921 Which of the accompanying explanations in regards to Alban Berg is false? He made an extraordinary amount out of music in all structures. Weberns Five Pieces for Orchestra are scored for chamber symphony of eighteen soloists Porgy and Bess is a(n) show In 1921 Copland went to France, where he was the primary American to consider organization with Nadia Boulanger A jazz sound outcomes from its assortment of pitch emphases the sort of vibrato utilized the specific way tones are assaulted and discharged Which of the accompanying proclamations isn't accurate? Jazz is commonly played by a little combo of three to eight players, or by a major band of ten to fifteen. Jazz can be depicted by and large as music established in ad lib and described by timed musicality, a consistent beat, and particular tone hues and procedures of execution. Jazz can be documented as effectively as some other melodic structure. Some jazz act of spontaneities are put together not with respect to a tune however on a consonant example, or arrangement of harmonies. Jazz can be recorded as effectively as some other melodic structure. treemonisha is a(n) _______________ by Scott Joplin. drama The lord of jazz is recognized to be Scott Joplin The wonderful and melodic type of the blues was promoted in the early long stretches of the twentieth century through the distribution of Memphis Blues and St. Louis Blues, made by William C. Convenient The blues typically follow a 12-bar design as a reason for ad lib can be upbeat or pitiful, quick or moderate might be vocal or instrumental Vocal blues frequently contain sexual references are strongly close to home manage the agony of treachery, departure, and solitary love New Orleans style Dixieland thrived in the United States from 1900 to 1917 The run of the mill type of a swing sythesis is 32 bar aaba One of the main figures throughout the entire existence of jazz, and the arranger of such organizations as Black, Brown, and Beige and Sophisticated Lady, is duke ellington which of the accompanying articulations false? Operetta, or comic oper
Friday, July 10, 2020
Sample Essay on Helping Your Community
Sample Essay on Helping Your CommunityIt is necessary to compose a sample essay on helping your community when you are considering job applications or for the necessary academic works. The result of this work can be highly desirable and provide a confirmation of your skills and competence in helping your community.For years, successful communities have been recognized and lauded by the international agencies and other societies as examples of humanitarianism. In recent times, the role of communities has also been included in the studies and programs that are conducted in different institutions of higher learning.It has become an ongoing process of collecting samples of essays and reports that are related to this particular field. There are also organizations that are dedicated to compile samples that are designed to teach about the effects that different strategies have. This makes it more enjoyable to write these samples since you are provided with a ready-made subject that you can relate to. You don't have to necessarily incorporate the main ideas that are generally put into practice by the communities in that same region and ask others to critique your essay.What you need to do is just gather all the samples that you think are useful to you. If you have a lot of them, just make a list of them and assign them as part of your assignment for this semester. This is beneficial because it would mean that your essay is written in a formal and systematic manner that allows others to take a look at it and comment on it. With a bit of effort, you will be able to assess if there are any mistakes in your work that you could have done.If you intend to put up a sample of yours online, you can just try to find the few that you think could interest the people who are reviewing it. Make sure that the sample does not contradict the subject of your own article or research paper. The best one will give you the chance to perform some edits so that it does not appear unprofession al and amateurish.You can easily browse through the samples to see how they were written. That way, you can read what you are looking for in terms of style, format, vocabulary, vocabulary in your article, phraseology, content, etc. It will be easier for you to tell if what you have prepared is what is expected of you.By composing a sample on helping your community, you will be able to ensure that you are getting a full appreciation for the quality of work that you are preparing. Moreover, the result of these samples can help you obtain excellent responses from the judges who will read your work.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
How to Get In-State Tuition for Out-of-State Students
Many students dream of heading out-of-state for college. However, out-of-state tuition costs can be a substantial barrier.Luckily, there are ways for out-of-state students to pay in-state tuition rates. This can make college significantly more affordable while still allowing them to pursue their dream of striking out on their own. Heres what you need to know.Contents1 What is In-State Tuition?2 What is Out-of-State Tuition?3 How Do You Know Your State of Residency?4 Do Residency Rules Apply to All Students?5 How Do You Get In-State Tuition as an Out-of-State Student?5.1 Regional Programs for Academic Common Markets5.2 Student Exchange Programs5.3 Merit-Based Tuition Adjustments5.4 Cheap Colleges for Out-of-State Students5.5 Scholarships for Out-of-State StudentsWhat is In-State Tuition?In-state tuition is the rate residents of the schools state pay to attend college at that campus. For example, if your student is a resident of Tennessee and plans to go to school in Tennessee, they wo uld qualify for in-state tuition.Its important to note there are other ways to access in-state tuition rates more about that below.What is Out-of-State Tuition?In the simplest terms, out-of-state tuition is the tuition rate students have to pay when they enroll at a college or university in a state other than the one where they are a resident. Usually, out-of-state tuition rates are significantly higher than in-state rates.However, some schools do not use this approach. Some colleges have flat-rate tuition instead of separate in-state and out-of-state tuition rates. Everyone pays the same regardless of residency. Two examples are Minot State University and Mississippi Valley State University.How Do You Know Your State of Residency?Your students residency is usually based on a few factors. To make matters more complex, residency rules can vary from one state to the next.Typically, a student is a resident of a state if they have lived there for 12 consecutive months and intend to sta y in that state for the foreseeable future. It is the second point that makes many college students ineligible for in-state rates even after attending a particular school for a year. If they do not plan on staying in that state long-term, they do not qualify as residents.Do Residency Rules Apply to All Students?No, residency rules do not apply to all students in all states. One common example is students who are military dependents. Since where a military dependent lives is not up to them, states allow local military dependent students to pay in-state rates, even if it is not their state of residency.For example, most military families have a home of record. They are residents of the state where their home of record is located, not necessarily where they live today. If your familys home of record is in Florida, but you are stationed in Texas, you could still be a resident of Florida even if you have not lived there in years. However, thanks to the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, if your student chose to go to school in Texas, they would receive the in-state tuition rate automatically.Similarly, Washington State allows American Indian Tribe members who are residents of Idaho, Montana, or Oregon to pay in-state rates at Washington schools.There are other situations where residency rules do not apply, allowing your student to avoid out-of-state tuition rates even if they are not residents of the schools state. If your student belongs to specific groups or may have special circumstances, it is worthwhile to look for programs in the state where they want to go to school.How Do You Get In-State Tuition as an Out-of-State Student?There are several programs that allow some students to pay in-state rates as out-of-state students. Eligibility for each program is established within the programs guidelines but is commonly influenced by your students state of residency and the specifics of the agreements.Here are a few options that could allow your student to avo id out-of-state tuition rates.Regional Programs for Academic Common MarketsSome states have come together to form academic common markets. The agreements allow students who are residents of any of the member states to use in-state tuition rates in any other state that is part of the group.Essentially, the ability to bypass out-of-state tuition costs is based on reciprocity agreements or tuition exchange programs, letting students in the sets of states to go to college for less.Here are four regional programs based on academic common market agreements:New England Board of Higher Education Tuition Break ProgramMidwest Student Exchange ProgramSouthern Regional Education Board Academic Common MarketWestern Undergraduate ExchangeHere are two reciprocity agreements:Minnesota-Wisconsin Tuition ReciprocityNew Mexico-Colorado Tuition ReciprocityIn some cases, students living in counties that border another state can get in-state tuition at the neighboring state. For example, the Border Count y Higher Education Opportunity Program allows some Oregon residents living in certain counties that border Washington State to get in-state tuition rates at Washington State colleges and universities.Student Exchange ProgramsSimilar to state-based options, student exchange programs are agreements between schools. Usually, they allow students to attend any school in the consortium either at in-state tuition rates or at the rate they would receive by attending classes at their home campus.For example, the National Student Exchange (NSE) lets students attend classes at a hosting institution for the reduced rates for up to one year, not unlike spending a year studying abroad. Students do have the option to shift between schools during their academic career, though this could be somewhat complex.The Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area has a similar cross-registration program. Students can take classes at member schools while paying the same tuition rate as they would at their main school.Merit-Based Tuition AdjustmentsIn some cases, students may be offered in-state rates as out-of-state students to try to entice them to go to a particular college or university. Typically, these offers are made to students with high levels of academic or athletic achievement. However, since these are controlled by the educational institution, the school can choose to make in-state tuition rates available to anyone if they feel there is a justification.Similarly, many schools have institutional scholarships for out-of-state students that are based on merit, making their school a more affordable option. Here are three such schools:Mississippi StateKennesaw State UniversityUniversity of AlabamaThere are also schools that offer full-ride scholarships to certain students. Again, this eliminates the need to think about residency, as all tuition is covered. If you want to learn more about these options, check out: 20 Colleges with Full-Ride ScholarshipsCheap Coll eges for Out-of-State StudentsAs mentioned above, not all schools charge out-of-state students an arm and a leg to attend. Some have abolished out-of-state tuition. Instead, they apply the same rate to students regardless of residency.Others simply have lower out-of-state tuition costs. While there may be a difference between the in-state and out-of-state rates, they are generally minimal.Here are some schools that are worth exploring if low or no out-of-state tuition rates is a priority:Alcorn State University Lorman, MississippiBemidji State University Bemidji, MinnesotaDickinson State University Dickinson, North DakotaMinot State University Minot, North DakotaMississippi Valley State University Itta Bena, MississippiOklahoma Panhandle State University Goodwell, OklahomaSouthwest Minnesota State University Marshall, MinnesotaWest Texas AM University Canyon, TexasScholarships for Out-of-State StudentsMany scholarship awards can help offset the cost of out-of-state tuition. While these dont technically make your student eligible for the in-state rate, they can cover educational expenses to make a particular school more affordable, regardless of your students residency.If you want to learn more about how your child can make out-of-state tuition more affordable, attend our free webinar. Youll learn about the scholarship process, including everything from finding exciting opportunities, how to apply, and more. Click here to check when the next training session is available. Out-of-state tuition can be expensive, but that doesnt mean your student doesnt have options. Make sure to explore the information above and see if any of the programs or scholarship opportunities can help make their dream college or university more affordable.Pin130RedditShareLeave a Comment
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Social Darwinism in American Politics Essays - 1199 Words
Introduction Social Darwinism is a quasi-philosophical, quasi-religious, quasi-sociological view that came from the mind of Herbert Spencer, an English philosopher in the 19th century. It did not achieve wide acceptance in England or Europe, but flourished in this country, as is true of many ideologies, religions, and philosophies. A good summary of Social Darwinism is by Johnson: In these years, when Darwins Origin of Species, popularized by Herbert Spencer as quot;the survival of the fittest, quot; and applied to races as well as species in a vulgarized form, Social Darwinism, the coming Christian triumph was presented as an Anglo-Saxon Protestant one. Social Darwinism is by no means dead, for vestiges of it can be found in the†¦show more content†¦(That is, they were not of the same kind, type or variety.) What this seemed to mean to Darwin was biological evolution. Organisms better suited to their environment gained some survival advantage and passed their genetically transmitted advantages to their offsprings. Darwin thought that this process was extremely slow and even. In fact, we became aware that it is neither slow nor even: there are examples of a good deal of change in a short period of time; and there are examples of very little change over a long period of time. Nor did Darwin understand the mechanism by which the transmission took place. This was to be figured out by Gregor Mendel, Thomas Hunt Morgan, DeVries and in our own time, Watson and Crick who deduced the spiral shape of the DNA molecule. Darwins discoveries struck his native England, as well as Europe, and this country with an enormous impact. They ran into total conflict with the idea of special creation, which one can find in the Book of Genesis, especially Chapter I and II. The emotional impact of Darwins discoveries have not abated. The Misapplication of a Biological Theory But, for our purposes, it is the use to which some people made of biological evolution which concerns us. Some simplified the idea to quot;survival of the fittest.quot; Others believed that an identical process took place among human beings. They believed that white Protestant Europeans had evolvedShow MoreRelatedAmeric Land Of Oppression1175 Words  | 5 Pagesshared opinion causes the underlying discontent: the president-elect is not supportive of the multiple demographics that compose the United States. There is a feeling of underrepresentation from these minority groups who have been long overlooked in politics. The protest is not a cry for help but a demand for change. The massive police force surrounds the protesters attempting to block their march. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Way the Media Influence Our Lives - 1365 Words
Are we influenced by the media, if yes how much? Sociologist and Psychologist contemplate that question often. The media has been accused of causing violent behavior, negative racial stereotyping and negative body perceptions mostly among young girls. No one can deny that the media has an effect on society, but is the media just giving society what he or she wants? Has the media taken away our ability to think for ourselves critically? We are constantly feed information from the newspapers, television news and weekly news magazines most of us believing without question because we believe the source credible. In 1989 while jogging in central park a women was brutally attacked raped and beaten. I remember the incident well†¦show more content†¦Society trust in what is being said to them by the familiar face on the 5 Oclock and the 11 Oclock news. When we read of a violent crime in the newspapers while on our way to work. When we hear of a violent crime being reported to us while setting in front of our television set. We want to believe the suspect being held is guilty without contemplating all the facts. Society should then ask is the media just giving us what we want. Some 98% of U.S. households have at least one television set (Meyrowitz, 1995) and the TV is on for over seven hours each day in the average U.S. household (Harless, 1990). The dominant American leisure activity is watching TV (Schwartz.1990). Knowing these facts the question is does the media just give the public what they think we want? Are we the public being unfair blaming the media for violence in our society? On April 20th, 1999 in Littleton, Colorado the school day was interrupted by blasts of gunfire when two young men began shooting at fellow students. They were armed with automatic-weapons and explosive. When it was all over they had claim as many as 25 lives, including their own. They left at least 20 people injured student and teacher included. The week before the Columbine shooting only three news shows were ranked in the top 20 slots of the Nielsen ratings. During the week of the incident, five news shows were ranked in the top 10 and another four in the top 20. When the shooting ceased and peopleShow MoreRelated the way the media influence our lives Essays1338 Words  | 6 Pages Are we influenced by the media, if yes how much? Sociologist and Psychologist contemplate that question often. The media has been accused of causing violent behavior, negative racial stereotyping and negative body perceptions mostly among young girls. No one can deny that the media has an effect on society, but is the media just giving society what he or she wants? Has the media taken away our ability to think for ourselves critically? 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If you answered yes to any of these questionsRead MoreMedias Influence on Children Essay1324 Words  | 6 PagesThe powerful media is considered a leading influence in our society both directly and indirectly. Media is available and readily accessible today more easily than ever. Printed materials, television, sound recordings, internet, and radio all fall under the umbrella of the big bad – or seemingly bad word – media. Is media bad? How is it controlled? And where does this all stem from†¦? These are some of the major concerns parents are faced with in raising children in today’s times. Although mostRead MoreMass Media and Popular Culture1367 Words  | 6 PagesHow has mass media a created a relationship among popular culture, mass media and different forms of dissemination? Mass media is any form of communication used to reach a large group of people. There are different types of media; examples of media are magazines, movies, television, books, recording devices, radio and the internet. As time goes on, new and improved technology is developed in the mass media industry for communicating and entertainment purposes. As mass media continues to grow andRead More Media and Society Essay519 Words  | 3 Pages Media and Society Does society influence media or does media influence society? In a modern world, dependent on continuous communication this is a very important question. If the world were not dependent on communication over large distances, schooling on a mass basis would not be possible or necessary. Most knowledge in traditional cultures was local knowledge, (Geertz 1983) traditions that were passed on through a local community, a very slow and long drawn outRead MoreEssay studying media1100 Words  | 5 Pagesworld, beyond our immediate experience, comes to us through the media. Media studies gives us the tools to respond thoughtfully and critically to media content, and recognise media productions as deliberate constructions rather than windows on reality. The ‘mediated’ society in which we live, is heavily shaped by the transfer of information. Many of our values, our ideas, and our knowledge of the world come from beyond our individual daily or immediate experience, usually via the media. They play
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Cold War Between The United States Of America And The...
The Cold War between the United States of America and the Soviet Union was not only a battle of political conflict but also a rivalry to spread political ideology and influence worldwide. Various pieces of propaganda and articles written during the time had largely impacted American popular opinion and had powerful effects on the culture among young men and women of the 1940’s and 1950’s. â€Å"The Red Iceberg†comic book cover, published and presented during the Cold War era, was one use of media that perpetuated the negative effects of Soviet Union political influence while promoting the righteousness of the United States. The visual rhetoric presented in â€Å"The Red Iceberg†propaganda, and others alike, instigated an emotional and fearful†¦show more content†¦As it sails forward in the sea, it approaches a red icebergâ€â€marked with the Soviet Union hammer and sickle. Along the side of the iceberg there are gravestones with all the names of countries that have fallen under Communist influence. The first aspect of this image that conveys Cold War ideology is the iceberg itself. The red color of the iceberg is the oldest symbol of communism, conveying reference to the Soviet Union’s â€Å"red flag†and â€Å"red army†. The negativity associated with the Soviet Unionâ€â€thus, the color redâ€â€allows the iceberg in the propaganda to become a symbol of Communism and despair. The iceberg itself is the largest and most brightly colored illustration on the cover, compelling the viewer to focus on this structure of â€Å"evil†ideology and representation of Communism over any other aspect. The gravestones resting along the iceberg represent death and doom to nations that cecum to Communist influence (this includes North Korea, Poland, Hungary, China, etc.). This becomes a visual representation of the power Communist possessed worldwide during the Cold War; â€Å"like a persistent toy aut omobile wound up and headed in a given direction†(although in this case, an iceberg) â€Å"stopping only when it meets with some unanswerable force†(Kennan 2), the threat of Communism is made prominent to the comic book’s readers. Should Uncle Sam fail to steer clear of the red iceberg, an inevitable death is
Jit for Healthcare free essay sample
Analysis Rob Wehrman, Manager, 3M Supply Chain Optimization Modeling Expertise Center 3 Agenda Introduction Basics Concepts in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Just-in-Time Manufacturing Concepts Warehouse and Transportation Considerations Conclusions Questions  © 3M 2006 All Rights Reserved 3 General Supply Chain Processes Demand Information Material Flow Material Flow Material Flow Typical Supply Chain Network Model Supplier Manufacturing Distribution Customer Delay Delay Delay Planning Planning Planning Planning Forecasted Demand and/or Orders Information Planning Types of Manufacturing Processes: Batch Most prevalent Planned quantity of one product Many different products made on same equipment Economic situation determines an optimal batch size Products are run in a logical sequence to optimize process Lead time includes waiting in queue and processing time  © 3M 2006 All Rights Reserved 3 Types of Manufacturing Processes: Flow Not as prevalent Single product production Very low variability Equipment usually runs at a steady pace Lead time is short as product is available all the time Capacity is expensive and hard to increase 3M 2006 All Rights Reserved 3 Manufacturing Capacity Usually fixed at a rate determined by equipment
Australia Recognised Rights Of Aboriginal †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Australia Recognized Rights Of Aboriginal? Answer: Introduction Mabo and others v Queensland (No 2) (1992) or Mabo case has been a significant case in Australian legislative. For this case, the high court made their historical decision on 3rd June 1992. This case was based on recognising the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples since they were living in Australia for 40 to 60 thousand years before the British arrive. The case was led by Eddie Mabo which eventually changed the doctrine of terra nullius. The high court of Australia recognised the rights of Aboriginal peoples because it shows their unique relationship with the land. The decision provided by the the high court does not improved the situation of aboriginal peoples. The high court also introduced a guideline to prove the legitimacy of an indigenous community. Most of the aboriginal people did not get satisfied with the judgement of the high court. This essay will discuss the various important elements of the case and analyse its result. Further, the essay will evaluate the legal impact of Mabo case and its effect on the lives of Aboriginal peoples. Mabo Case The Mabo case is one of the most popular and important cases in Australia. The judgement of this case was given by the high court on 3rd June, after a decade long litigation. The judgement was based on reversing the doctrine of terra nullius, which did not recognise the land rights of Aboriginal peoples. The doctrine of terra nullius was based on British law, which provided that all the regulation of England will apply to a new land. According to Short (2012), the court provided that this doctrine does not apply in case of Australia since aboriginal peoples are living for more than 40 to 60 thousand years before the British reaches. The court provided that in order to apply terra nullius the lands should not be barren or inhabited, instead the land should be civilised. The existing customary law of peoples must be acceptable of England law to the extent that their own customary laws are not being modified or excluded due to inconsistency with England law. The action against the doctrine was led by Eddie Mabo, who was a Torres Strait Islander. According to the book of Loos and Mabo (2013), Mabo believes that the Australian law does not recognise the land ownership of Aboriginal people. In his childhood, the Torres Strait Islands were rigorously regulated by Queensland administration. He made a speed explaining the situation of aboriginal peoples and their ownership over the land of Torres Strait Islands. A lawyer heard the speech and ask Mabo to challenge the Australian government to properly establish their land ownership right. This case was important since it identifies the ownership right of Aboriginal peoples over their land which was taken by British without any payment or contract. As per Kennedy (2012), the Mer Islanders decided that Eddie Mabo will lead their suit to challenge the principles of terra nullius. The case ran for 10 years and on 3rd June 1992, the high court provided their decision that principle of terra nullius should not apply over Australia. As per Hayward (2012), the decision recognised the land ownership rights of Aboriginal peoples in the Torres Strait Islands, the same right which was established before British arrival will still be applicable. The high court introduced the conception of native title and recognised that some indigenous peoples have right and interest over certain lands due to their traditional regulations and customs (Council et al. 2015). The Australian parliament in order to establish the interest of aboriginal peoples in their lands passed Native Title Act in 1993. The judgement of Mabo case was known as Mabo decision. The Mabo case has considered as a historical case which gives victory to indigenous peoples in Australia. But several other indigenous peoples did not consider it as a victory. As per Chaney (2016), the judgement given by the high court was considered as one of the most controversial judgement. Various groups such as mining show their disagreement towards the decision because it would cost them more and time to extend their leases and many of their applications will be rejected. On the other hand, indigenous peoples were celebrating the opportunity of apologise against the treatment received by them. The Mabo decision granted certain right regarding the lands back to indigenous peoples but most Aboriginal peoples were not affected by the decision. The court provided various requirements which have to be fulfilled by an Aboriginal person in order to claim their right over a land. Many people consider such requirements as unfair against them. In 1996, the high court provided another landmark judgement which provided that the native title did not certainly get extinguish due to a pastoral lease. According to Holmes (2014), the aboriginal people may access to their leased rural lands if they provide significant proof of their claim thought ancestral and customary connection. In other words, if an indigenous person can establish his native title over a leased land through customary and ancestral evidence, then they can have the title of land even when there is a lease going on over it. This decision was known as Wik decision, and this judgement significantly aggravates the conservative Australia. The media coverage of this judgement backlashed and broadens the gap between land owners and indigenous peoples (Maddison 2012). The aboriginal people consider the lands Mother Earth and they had a strong bond with their lands. They build their homes, hunt food and raise their families over the same lands. They traveled freely around the country and visit various sites. As per Carmichael et al. (2013), there were several sacred sites which were considered as the dreaming by their ancestors. But it all changed in 1788 when British arrive in Australia, they were considered as white man. The first colonisers arrive in Australia and claim aboriginals lands as their own. According to the book of Montagu (2013), the first colonisers also established a system of government and regulations, the aboriginal peoples were unfamiliar with these laws. These laws did not benefit Aboriginal peoples; instead, it took their land from them and left them with nothing. The aboriginals peoples suffered due to loss of their land, therefore, they fight back to claim their ancestors land back. According to Cullen (2012), other than Mabo case, there have been several other attempts by aboriginal peoples to establish their land ownership right. In Milirrpum others v Nabalco Pty Ltd (1971) case, a suit has been taken against Nabalco Corporation to dismiss a 12-year mining lease. The arguments of the case provided that federal government did not have right to give the lease to organisations on lands which belong to aboriginal peoples. Justice Blackburn provided that there is no legal native right of aboriginal people over the lands and even if there were a law, the rights of native people were distinguished. This decision was overruled after two decades when the right of ownership of lands was provided back to aboriginal peoples in Mabo case. After the judgement of Mabo case in 1992, 126 native land title claims have been filled in the courts, in more than 90 of such claims, the native title did not get established over lands. Various communities have been established as original custodian of their ancestry lands such as south-west Victoria, Pilbara, Torres Strait and Northern territory. But a maximum number of custodian claims has been rejected by the court. Unfortunately, hundreds of land claims are waiting for trial and many people are forced to wait for years before the commencement of their trial (Gumbert 2013). Although the aboriginal peoples now have certain legal rights towards their ownership in lands, this right was based on fulfillment of certain guidelines. An aboriginal person has to meet those guidelines in order to establish their claim on the certain land. As per Glaskin and Weiner (2013), most of the land in Northern Territory that can be claimed by Aboriginal people were semi-desert or outside the towns boundaries. Most of the claims of aboriginal people were rejected by the administration, and they have to prove their legal ownership over the lands under their customary laws. They have to prove under Aboriginal regulations that they have a duty towards certain sacred sites which they are trying to claim. In South Australia, there are other rules and necessities for an Aboriginal person to fulfill, in order to establish their claim over a certain land. Many principles of Pitjantjatjara Land Rights Act was applied on an Aboriginal person when they claim their ownership over certain land. The people of Anangu Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara get only a title of 10 percent in South Australia. The land of Anangu Pitjantjatjara was established in the north and on the south of it Maralinga Lands were situated. Maralinga Lands were used by British for their nuclear tests. The aboriginal people get the land due to the regulations of Maralinga Tjarutja Land Rights Act (Hallam 2014). The Native Title Act passed by Parliament does give Aboriginal peoples right to claim their lands, but they will receive the land after completion of mining leases. Even if a land is effectively claimed by an Aboriginal person, they do not have right on the progress of such land such as mining royalties. The act does not provide right to all the indigenous communities and various communities are left with no rights over their lands, such as Yorta Yorta. Another problem arises due to division in various aboriginal peoples communities. Instead of being united, most communities fight to establish their claim over certain lands. Due to such fights, it has become tough for people to prove their claim. According to Muriel Bamblett, an aboriginal leader, these changes have caused tension between families; most of them are not even talking with each other (Savage and Gair 2014). Gary Foley, a speaker of the aboriginal community called the Mobe judgement ultimate act of dispossession since 1788. According to the book of Foley, Schaap, and Howell (2013), he said that high court has simply provided a tiny olive branch to indigenous communities and the legal rights of lands are still remains with white land owners. The purpose of the movement was to get legal land right, but instead, Aboriginal communities have got native titles. According to him, these native titles provided by the court to aboriginal peoples are entirely symbolic, and they are completely different from actual legal land rights. The judgement of the high court has legitimised the dispassion process by giving the native title to aboriginal peoples and legal right to white land owners. The court does provide land ownership to some communities, but they have to prove their ownership of the land upon some cultural connection, that is established by the High court and most of the cases are still pen ding in court. Conclusion From the above essay, it can be concluded that Mabo case judgement has been important in establishing the rights of aboriginal peoples in Australian law. The judgement recognises the right of aboriginal people over their lands and gives them the opportunity to claim their right. But for the most part, the situation of aboriginal people has not changed. The act recognises the right but in order to claim any land, an aboriginal person has to prove many guidelines. Most of such guidelines are difficult to prove and a maximum number of claims get rejected by the government. The decision of Mabo case does seem like a win for Aboriginal peoples in the beginning but actually, it does nothing to improve their situation. Still, it is significantly tough for aboriginal peoples to claim their right over a land and even after proving their claim, they are not entitled to benefits such as mining royalties. References Carmichael, D.L., Hubert, J., Reeves, B. and Schanche, A. eds., 2013.Sacred sites, sacred places(Vol. 23). Routledge. Chaney, F., 2016. Innovation in the rangelands: the role of people.The Rangeland Journal,37(6), pp.535-540. Council, K.L., Council, R.V., Council, G.I.S.S. and Council, T.S., 2015. What is Native Title?. Cullen, R., 2012. Mabo V Queensland. Foley, G., Schaap, A. and Howell, E. eds., 2013.The aboriginal tent embassy: sovereignty, black power, land rights and the state. Routledge. Glaskin, K. and Weiner, J., 2013.Customary Land Tenure and Registration in Australia: Anthropological Perspectives(p. 306). ANU Press. GUMBERT, M., 2013. Aboriginal Land Rights and Traditional Land Tenure in Australia.La terre et l'homme: Espaces et ressources convoits, entre le local et le global, p.75. Hallam, S.J., 2014.Fire and hearth: a study of Aboriginal usage and European usurpation in south-western Australia. Apollo Books. Hayward, P., 2012. Aquapelagos and aquapelagic assemblages.Shims: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures,6(1), p.1. Holmes, J., 2014. Explorations in Australian legal geography: the evolution of lease tenures as policy instruments.Geographical Research,52(4), pp.411-429. Kennedy, D., 2012. Eddie Mabo, the man who changed Australia.Magazine. BBC News,6. Loos, N. and Mabo, E.K., 2013.Eddie Koiki Mabo: His Life and Struggle for Land Rights. Univ. of Queensland Press. Maddison, S., 2012. Postcolonial guilt and national identity: Historical injustice and the Australian settler state.Social Identities,18(6), pp.695-709. Montagu, A., 2013.Coming into being among the Australian Aborigines: The procreative beliefs of the Australian Aborigines. Routledge. Savage, D. and Gair, S., 2014. Hearing and understanding the past in order to strengthen the future. Primrose Hall. Short, D., 2012. When sorry isnt good enough: Official remembrance and reconciliation in Australia.Memory Studies,5(3), pp.293-304.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Modernity and the Notions of Public Interest free essay sample
This paper examines the meaning of modernity and the relations between the notions of public interest, ethics and law. By giving an example that raises this issue further, the realm of morality, professional ethics and law is discussed and whether their spheres of jurisdiction would overlap. It also explores the meanings and definitions of the key terms that are of most concern for this topic, and how they relate or differ from each other. A Singaporean example is also shown as evidence to support the discussion. Finally, a counter argument is provided with a reasonable response that follows with this argument. While scholars and philosophers have defined modernity in different ways, the emergence of modernity is also a very important aspect of the term. Before modernity came into prominence, there were the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. â€Å"The essence of modernity can be seen in humanity’s freeing itself from the bonds of the Middle Ages in that it frees itself to itself†(Heidegger, Young, amp; Haynes, 2002). We will write a custom essay sample on Modernity and the Notions of Public Interest or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Modernity refers to human beings starting to rationalize and think for themselves, rather than the traditional way of living life by the rules and teachings of their religion. In simpler terms, it is a shift from religious beliefs to scientific knowledge, as in man thinking by his own free will for himself. The stronghold of the Christian church decreased over the people and science began to be more accepted. The criticism of modernity is that it actually imprisons rather than liberates. Modernity gives rise to people’s opinion and free speech. Therefore, with free speech, restrictions are put into place to protect the freedom of the public. The term modernization refers to the increasing use of science and new technologies, and the political, social and cultural changes that followed through from these developments of modernization (Mann, 2010). Hence modern society is considered modern because of rapid change which is the essence of modern society (Nester, 2010). Today’s society and way of thinking all flourished from modernity. The use of science and technology, the need to understand all things in life through scientific study and experimentation are all traits of what makes modern society ‘modern. Therefore, it promotes a more rational, scientific worldview as religion, superstition and tradition lost their hold over everyday life. With modern thinking, public interest, ethics, law and so on, all of which were taking priority among people in their everyday life and also professionals so that everyone can live in harmony in a liberal democratic society. Public interest is what is justified toward the public which may be against some immediate individual person’s interest†(Downs, 1962). A general explanation for ethics would be that it is concerned with doing the right thing in a moral sense. Fieser (2001) described ethics as systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour, while Spence (2005) said that it is a set of rules and virtues of character that guides interpersonal conduct (Breit, 2007). The Law is a set of rules for society, to protect people’s basic rights and freedoms and to treat them fairly (OrganizationOfAmericanStates, 2007). Certain situations that are of the public’s concern can also be an ethical and legal matter, such as illegal abortions. Abortions are illegal in most countries and even so, some women still require it for the sake of their own well-being. Thus, doctors have to face their own code of ethics in dealing with these issues. This matter is also of public interest because this issue has been an ongoing debate and the public are always concerned about it. In the Singapore context, the case of the ex-MOE scholar, Jonathan Wong having sexual relations with a minor makes a good example that raises this topic. The scholar from the Ministry of Education was at first charged with possessing child pornography in Britain which lead to investigations. The investigations then lead to reveal that he had sexual relations with an underage girl (Channel News Asia, 2012). Although the first charge in 2010 was not a public interest matter, the second charge this year provoked public interest. Aside from the illegality of the case, it sparked public interest due to him being a scholar with the public’s taxpayer money. The MOE’s code of ethics was considered for appointing this student for a scholar. So how do morality, professional ethics and law differ from each other? Morality is an individual’s own personal belief that differentiates right from wrong. It is an individual’s own personal character. Professional ethics is a standard or code of behaviour expected by a group to which the individual belongs to. Morality is a personal trait while ethics is more concerned in the field of profession. Law, however, is another different matter from both morality and professional ethics. But in some cases, their fields of jurisdiction do overlap with one another. In the course reader, Breit (2007) pointed out the ethical dilemma of a journalist on whether to report a story which is in the public interest. The ethical dilemma the journalist faced was due to the embargo of the news, whether to respect it or let the public know about the news immediately. There was also fear of getting sued for not respecting the embargo and for not fulfilling the duty as a journalist. These were the dilemmas that this journalist faced in which the different jurisdictions overlap with one another. Coming back to the example of the case of the ex-MOE scholar, it is illegal to have sex with a minor. This also led to public interest because he was a scholarship student of MOE by taxpayers’ money. Ethical issues were raised on the MOE’s side of the case for choosing this kind of person as their scholar and this reflects badly for the ministry. As for the opposing argument, â€Å"What reasons might be given for thinking that the disclosure of a person’s sexual misconduct serves the public interest? (Archard, 1998)†From the liberalism side of the argument, it states that neither society, government nor anyone else has the rightful authority to tell people what they do in the privacy of their own homes. Each person has rightful authority over how they conduct their own lives in private. Therefore the public does not need to know about all of the intimate details about the case. Although the counter argument is reasonable, the public should have the right to know about this issue because this person was accused for misusing the taxpayers’ money and dealt with actions of misconduct and broke the law in not one but two countries. The first charge was for possessing child pornography while he was studying in Britain and the second was for having sexual relations with a minor in Singapore. Modern thinking has lead to opinions on morality, ethics and law, as well as issues about public interest. Open critical discussions and evaluation of issues that arise from such issues given above is a crucial part of a healthy democracy. In a way, the standards of public interest, ethics and law in each country determines the modernity of the society.
Friday, April 17, 2020
College Entrance Essay Sample Prompts
College Entrance Essay Sample PromptsIt is important to prepare a good college entrance essay. The course can help students in the future by giving them opportunities to realize their dreams. It is hard to find high school students who are not eager to enter into college. Many students are highly motivated to do well and pass the class with flying colors.Students who are prepared for the college entrance essay can expect a better grade for their project. But it is difficult to determine how much their essay will be affected by preparing a sample essay. Some parents may feel that the students' essays are already graded and that they will not have to write one more essay on the same topic.If parents are concerned about this, they can ask a teacher to give some tips on writing a college entrance essay. While this is not usually required, parents should ask the teacher if they would like to try to have the students write an essay based on a sample essay. The staff may give the students a list of questions that can help them narrow down their topic choices.It is not fair that some students can't find colleges that accept their essays. College administrators are often criticized for making it difficult for students to get into a specific college. This can be frustrating for students who are not prepared to compete against students who did go through the process. Most of these students are high school seniors, who are eager to start college.The best way to avoid getting frustrated during the essay writing process is to find essay samples that the student can use. There are many websites online that provide sample essays. These resources are available for free. As long as the student has the essay software, they can take advantage of these tools to help them work on their college essay.They can look at the examples provided and use the sentences and paragraphs from these examples to help them complete their project. Some of the sample essays include questions that are meant to give the students the answers they need. This helps to make the task easier for the students. They will also learn how to write clear and well-written essays.Many people believe that writing college entrance essays can be easy. But there are some basic rules that need to be followed. Students need to know where to find help in writing their essay. They should also be aware of what kind of essay they are looking for and how to take the idea to a high level.The last thing that a student should focus on is writing the right college entrance essay. Many students start the project off by making minor mistakes that can be found on the internet. This can cause a lot of problems for the student and the school.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Free Essays on Borges And I
The theme in Borges’ Borges and I is double personality. Throughout the work Borges seems to be describing himself as a normal person and as his true self, the writer. He has a problem with this other man who he describes. In the end Borges lets him self-go and shows us the writer. In the beginning of the poem Borges gives us insight into what he likes then wittingly states, â€Å"the other man shows these likes†This means that he possibly sees himself as two different people that like the same things. He then says â€Å"but in a showy way that turns them into stagy mannerisms†that is implying that he maybe has a problem with this other man. In the middle of the writing Borges tells us how he â€Å"lets myself live, so that Borges can weave his tales and poems†meaning Borges the normal person is letting his desire for being a writer free. Towards the end of the work Borges is completely writing out of the view of himself, the writer. He ends the work with â€Å"which of us is writing this page I don’t know†that is clearly a comment of his ability of writing in another person. Borges could possibly have a mild case of schizophrenia, which actually enhances his writing.... Free Essays on Borges And I Free Essays on Borges And I The theme in Borges’ Borges and I is double personality. Throughout the work Borges seems to be describing himself as a normal person and as his true self, the writer. He has a problem with this other man who he describes. In the end Borges lets him self-go and shows us the writer. In the beginning of the poem Borges gives us insight into what he likes then wittingly states, â€Å"the other man shows these likes†This means that he possibly sees himself as two different people that like the same things. He then says â€Å"but in a showy way that turns them into stagy mannerisms†that is implying that he maybe has a problem with this other man. In the middle of the writing Borges tells us how he â€Å"lets myself live, so that Borges can weave his tales and poems†meaning Borges the normal person is letting his desire for being a writer free. Towards the end of the work Borges is completely writing out of the view of himself, the writer. He ends the work with â€Å"which of us is writing this page I don’t know†that is clearly a comment of his ability of writing in another person. Borges could possibly have a mild case of schizophrenia, which actually enhances his writing....
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of globalization
Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of globalization Globalization can be defined in a variety of ways since it is a very important term as it influences the global economies. It can be defined as the movement toward communications, financial, economic, and trade integration. Globalization entails opening out beyond nationalistic and local perspectives to a wider outlook of an interdependent and interconnected world through free transfer of goods, services, and capital over national frontiers. Globalization is a term that is frequently employed to place a trend in the direction of increased flow of ideas, money, goods, and services across national borders and the resultant consolidation of the global economy (Waters 2001, pg.36). Globalization is closely related to international trade which can be defined as the exchange of goods, services, and capital across territories or national border. The increase in the international trade enhances the continuance of globalization. If there were no international trade, then apparently nations w ould not get access to the variety of goods and services produced in different nations of the world (World Bank 2008, pg.56). It has been found that globalization does not involve unhindered labor movement, and as intimated by some economists, globalization may hurt fragile or smaller economies if practiced indiscriminately. Globalization is generally recognized as being goaded by a combination of technological, political, economic, biological and socio-cultural factors. From some other perspective, globalization can refer to the multinational circulation of languages, popular culture, or ideas by acculturation (Tomlinson 1999, pg. 123). This paper will provide an outstanding analysis of the weaknesses and strengths the term globalization. Strengths of globalization Supporters of globalization contend that globalization can possibly better the world economically by solving many problems which are deep-seated for example poverty and unemployment. According to the economic theory, inc reased globalization will lower the wage of unskilled labor in developed nations and raise the wage of unskilled labor within the developing nations as the two groups start to trade with each other. Globalization generates resources and encourages the transfer of ideas that can be utilized for both individual and community improvement. Among many other things, globalization makes rural economic diversification and agricultural productivity gains more achievable. Globalization also makes environmental stewardship, improved conditions of living, and food security more attainable. Due to globalization, the marginal can now get the opportunity to exhibit themselves in the world market (Bauman 1998, pg.121). Globalization encourages the industrialized nations to provide significant market places for exports of poor individuals within poor countries. The global agricultural and food companies can assist the third world countries incorporate required safety, and quality practices by gettin g access to markets in developed nations. Since globalization means delocalization of various enterprises within the word, many people can get access to many industries and in due course globalization promotes economic growth in the global world, brings about competition among companies, enables producers and retailers to reduce the prices of various commodities so that consumers can afford them and therefore increases the demand on the commodities. Because of the increased efficiency, the welfare is raised by offering more affordable goods and services such that the purchasing power is increased. Globalization reallocates capital and labor to more efficient and effective lines of production. Globalization helps poor countries by infusions of technology and foreign capital which enhances economic development. The economic development due to globalization brings modern ways of connecting people, from roads to electricity to telecommunications. The global companies offer training to e mployees and provide time, money and talent that helps them to address needs of the community, lifting communal and individual aspirations and providing ways for accomplishing them. Since globalization brings about spreading of prosperity, it enables various countries to possess conditions in which respect for human right and democracy can flourish (Appadurai 1996, pg.65).
Thursday, February 13, 2020
The Loyalty Effect of the Tesco Club-Card Toward its Members Essay
The Loyalty Effect of the Tesco Club-Card Toward its Members - Essay Example The marketer factor is also much considered in customer retention while with customer loyalty, the intrapersonal part of customer behaviour is the point of consideration. Moreover, many other reasons were found to prod customers to buy outside of loyalty, for example during sudden change of prices, or when there is a risk involved, or because there is no other choice(, cited in Morgan et al., 2000). In cases where there is competition among marketers, alternatives made available to customers may make them ex-customers if they fall short of loyalty (Morgan et al., 2000). There are two approaches to defining and measuring customer loyalty as gleaned from literature. Rundle-Thiele and Bennett (2001) describe the stochastic approach as considering the concept in behavioral terms, with the deterministic approach considering it in attitudinal terms. "Stochastic" is defined as having a pattern that can be analysed statistically but not predicted precisely (Reader's Digest Great Dictionary of the English Language, 2001), while "deterministic" has something to do with the doctrine that all events and actions are determined by external forces acting on the will (Ibid). Between these two approaches, there appears little disagreement contrary to the aspect of measuring it (Rundle-Thiele and Bennett (2001). Some 30 years ago Jacoby and Kyner were said to have started the debate which is still going on up to the present time. The drawbacks of the stochastic approach are presented by O'Malley (1998) and Odin (2001). The rather narrow technical definitions of the stochastic approach "does not capture the full richness and depth of the loyalty construct," according to O'Malley (1998) For instance, it does not indicate if repeat orders come about out of habit, or due to situations obtaining, or to psychological reasons on the part of the customer. Instead of a 100 per cent loyalty to a single brand, according to O'Malley (1998) which may characterize only a few, customers tend to select from two or three brands within any product category, which have become their regular fare. On the other hand, according to Odin (2001), a customer who buys the same brand over time is loyal, but that loyalty is too complex to be understood on account of many variables that tend to recur at various times. As such, the concept of loyalty comes at a point where it divides two ways at their end points: loyalty vs. disloyalty necessitating the categorising of the customers into one of these in an arbitrary way. The determinist approach looks at loyalty more as an
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Royal Dutch Shells Innovation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Royal Dutch Shells Innovation - Assignment Example There are a lot of financial bearings which must be met by the innovative firm. The process of innovating a firm involves proper analysis of the market (especially in a perfectly competitive industry) which covers from products/services to management strategies. Shell being one of the firms which operates in an open economy is not left behind in adopting new technologies and innovations in exploration, production, and marketing of oil and gas products globally. As noted by Hamel & Skarzynski (2012, p.14), the future of an organization in this stiffly competitive world is bestowed on the ability of the firm to effectively and flexible use technology which stands the potential of enhancing its innovativeness. Royal Dutch Shell has been a pace setter in production and management innovation. Through its technological innovations and flexibility, Royal Dutch Shell has revolutionized the Energy sector for decades. However, like other firms in the industry, the innovation structure adopted by the Royal Shell has certain drawbacks and strengths. The innovation management structure of the Royal Dutch Shell builds on its strengths as a key tool to satisfy its customers and the well being of the employees. The success of the innovation initiated at Shell is believed to be supported by the senior management team. Unlike other organizations (which are rigid to change), every at Shell (from top to bottom) are opposed to old school production and management technologies especially in this competitive economic era. Therefore, the management leads the path towards eliminating technological hurdles which stands on their way to success and market dominance. The level of openness to new ideas, concepts, and technologies is evidenced by the degree at which the management is ready to take the risks of investing in modern technologies both in service delivery and production units. For instance, the scenario planning strategy which has been used by the company over the last forty year s has been successful in solving energy crisis. With the uncertainty facing the future of petroleum and oil products, orchestration of probable uncertain scenario rests on how well the management is open to innovation and technological changes both in operations and service delivery. Besides, Shell uses more environmental friendly solutions such as blueprints. Blueprints advocates for electronic engines in the transportation process as a way of reducing pollution. The success of Shell is also explained by its innovational culture which promotes change and technological advancements. Little cultural residence to change technology at Shell has been essential in helping the company to remain competitive and reputable in the oil industry. The company welcomes ideas and concepts from all its staff and goes ahead to reward the employees for their innovative efforts. A perfect example of cultural innovation at Shell is game changer program and social audit (Hamel & Skarzynski, 2012, p.12). Shell has been undertaking a number of management restructuring and product quality to remain competitively relevant in the global energy market .However, its efforts are being marred by some potential gaps that needs further consideration for it to achieve its goals of greater global market share. The basic asset of any firm is the effort of human capital which equally depends on the mode of co-operating and interaction. This company has invested averagely high in technology to improve the quality of its products at a lower value creation cost. On the other side of the coin, this company has given the interest of its staff the least attention
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