Sunday, August 23, 2020
Spanish-Speaking Groups in the United States Essay Example for Free
Spanish-Speaking Groups in the United States Essay This examination paper will distinguish the semantic, political, social, monetary, strict, and familial shows or statuses of Columbian Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Rican Americans living in the United States.| Social Interests of Spanish-Speaking Groups in the United States Cultural interests of Columbian Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Rican Americans that live in the United States of America are the center on account of the decent variety and contention that encompasses them. The United States gathered all the Spanish-talking individuals that begin from Latin America, Central America, or South America together as one ethnic gathering alluded to as Hispanics or Latinos. Social interests recognized for every one of these four gatherings will comprise of their own group’s etymology, political status, societal position, monetary status, strict status, and familial shows. The primary Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Columbian Americans. Sturner (2012), â€Å"Spanish is the language of most Colombian-American families in the United States, where it fills in as maybe the surest methods for saving traditions†(Colombian Americans). Columbians don't accept they will stay in the United States due to the movement limitations, accordingly Columbian Americans generally give themselves to governmental issues in Columbia, and most don't turn out to be engaged with American legislative issues (Sturner, 2012). Columbian Americans sought after expert vocations and accepting work as workers, assembly line laborers, local hirelings, and started private companies (Sturner, 2012). As indicated by Sturner (2012), In the mid-1990’s Colombian Americans had one of the most noteworthy normal wages among Latinos and many thrived in business, particularly in adventures in Miami identified with exchange with Latin America†(Colombian Americans). Socially, they create solid binds with other Latinos through casual systems since they share a shared characteristic of Spanish-language media, which gives news, diversion, and music from Latin America (Sturner, 2012). The Catholic church offers vital help to Latin Americans all through the United States and strict services are intently attached to significant traditions and conventions, for example, compadrazgo (Sturner, 2012). Safeguarding has been guaranteed as of late as wards have included Spanish-language administrations (Sturner, 2012). Columbian migrants protect their family conventions as a central worry against pressures experienced in American culture (Sturner, 2012). Their customary jobs are that the spouse is the breadwinner, the wife is the homemaker, and the kids are educated to comply with their folks and regard authority (Sturner, 2012). The subsequent Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Cuban Americans. Those conceived in the United States will in general be English Speakers and have less office with Spanish, while those brought into the world abroad have more noteworthy office with Spanish and the greater part have some English capacity also (Buffington, 2012). Cuban Americ an people group are very much absorbed in the United States and have noteworthy political impact due to their size (Buffington, 2012). Buffington (2012), Cuban Americans are rumored to being traditionalist strategically and to cast a ballot overwhelmingly for the Republican Party Elections†(Cuban Americans). The most significant political association for them is the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) on the grounds that it is viewed as the delegate of the Cuban American people group (Buffington, 2012). Financially Cuban Americans intently take after the all out U.S. populace and they have more prominent monetary security than other Hispanic gatherings (Buffington, 2012). They are profoundly instructed and a moderate level of their populace has finished school or graduate tutoring (Buffington, 2012). Most Cuban Americans report and see a non-oppressive relationship with White Americans (Buffington, 2012). Cuban Americans overwhelmingly recognize themselves as Roman Catholics, anyway a little rate are some type of Protestantism, and one-fourth of local brought into the world Cuban Americans state they either have no inclination or have another strict connection (Buffington, 2012). Most Cuban American families have acquired the American lifestyle, which is essentially not quite the s ame as the customary Cuban family from multiple points of view (Buffington, 2012). Compadres or grandparents are less inclined to assume noteworthy jobs of Cuban American kids and Cuban American ladies are bound to have more noteworthy expert in the family in view of joining the workforce to add to the family pay for security and freedom of the family (Buffington, 2012). The third Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Mexican Americans. Spanish has remained their essential language of all Mexicans in the Southwestern United States. It got important for laborers and understudies to get capable in English to proceed to work and get training. The Political Association of Spanish-Speaking Organizations (PASSO) and Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) were made to express ethnic political objectives (Englekirk Marin, 2012). Discontent with both the Democratic and Republican gatherings in 1970, Mexican Americans made an option ideological group called La Raza Unida (LRU), which had noteworthy achievement (Englekirk Marin, 2012). Generally the democratic examples of Mexican Americans have been Democratic at the presidential level. Most of Hispanic-claimed organizations existing in the United States are constrained by Mexican Americans, and this has added to the development of the Mexican American white collar class. Englekirk and Marin (2012), Despite the enhancement in work into divisions of the national economy, compensation have stayed low for most individuals from the Mexican American community†(Mexican Americans). Englekirk and Marin (2012), â€Å"Following the Mexican-American War, expanding savagery executed by Anglo Americans made Mexicans and Mexican Americans strongly mindful of their subordinate status inside the American Southwest†(Mexican Americans). Mexican Americans made an assortment of social and political associations that elevated ethnic solidarity to endeavor to adapt to their inferior status. Most of the Mexican American populace is of the Catholic confidence with a little rate that changed over to Protestantism and different beliefs. In the conventional Mexican American family their more distant family and dearest companions are the same amount of a piece of their family as their close family on account of an arrangement of common reliance and regard for older folks that makes an affectionate nuclear family. The last Hispanic gathering we will investigate is Puerto Ricans. Appropriate Castilian Spanish is the local language of Puerto Ricans. Green (2012), Although English is educated to most grade younger students in Puerto Rican government funded schools, Spanish remains the essential language on the island of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rican Americans). There is a considerably higher pace of voter cooperation among Puerto R icans on the island than on the U.S. terrain. There is political skepticism among the Puerto Ricans in light of the absence of chance and instruction for the moved populace, however the Puerto Rican populace can be a significant political power when sorted out (Green, 2012). A few issues, for example, wrongdoing, tranquilize misuse, poor instructive chances, joblessness, and the breakdown of the Puerto Rican family structure have made them be by and large, the most financially hindered Latino gathering in the United States (Green, 2012). Puerto Rican American social absorption has been one of extraordinary achievement blended in with major issues (Green, 2012). Green (2012), Because numerous Puerto Ricans are of blended Spanish and African plummet, they have needed to bear a similar kind of racial segregation frequently experienced by African Americans†(Puerto Rican Americans). Most Puerto Ricans are Catholic, however strength has been declining and the nearness of numerous different type of Protestants has been expanding (Green, 2012). Among the Puerto Rican Catholics, a little minority effectively practice some adaptation of Santeria (Green, 2012). Green (2012), Puerto Rican family and network elements have a broad Spanish impact and still will in general mirror the seriously male centric social association of European Spanish culture†(Puerto Rican Americans). The two people have solid jobs in childbearing and spot a high incentive on instructing their kids. Since we have investigated these four races, we can unmistakably comprehend the likenesses and contrasts between them. They have been assembled paying little mind to their birthplace since they share the Spanish language. We can be certain that Columbian Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Rican Americans make up an extremely differing ethnic gathering. Each race is one of a kind in their social customs about family and strict convictions. Their financial aspects, economic wellbeing, and political perspectives we investigated are just a little impression of what their identity is and how they live their lives in the United States. References Buffington, S. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from Englekirk, A. Marin, M. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from - Americans.html Green, D. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from Schaefer, R. T. (2006). Racial and Ethnic Groups (6th ed.). Recovered from University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Sturner, P. (2012). Nations and their Cultures. Recovered from
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Review On Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Information Technology Essay
A Review On Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Information Technology Essay Presentation An undertaking asset arranging (ERP) frameworks is that they coordinate across capacities to make a solitary, brought together framework as opposed to a gathering of isolated, separate applications. As ERP framework is giving ideal arrangements and solid authority over the organization activities, each business is searching forward for this selection. Since as of now accessible ERP virtual products are charging at more elevated level of permitting and supporting costs, organizations are in the need of finding an open source elective. This record gives the doable open source elective alternative to the present market pioneer in the restrictive ERP SAP ECC. Open Source ERP Systems: Coming up next are the famous open source ERP frameworks accessible in the most recent market. In spite of the fact that there are many number of open sources are accessible like Opentaps, Ofbiz, ERP5, etc here just thought to be not many which are decently satisfy business necessities in contrast and SAP arrangements. Adempiere This is one of the major ERP pioneers in the open source innovations and has been come about best in little and medium industry clients basically in Retail, Trading, Manufacturing and administration segments. [Adempiere Release Manual]. This is exceptionally energetic and dynamic network based programming and is in the main 5 situations as per Compiere In the present period, Compiere is the most well known open source ERP+CRM application. It is a complete answer for SMEs. This gives arrangements in Distribution, Retail, Manufacturing and Service ventures with exceptionally versatile and simple to utilize undertaking class applications. In ERP, first time Compiere began progressive plan through which applications are empowered with simple customization and augmentation with no programing. Openbravo This is progressively business situated open source ERP. ERP arrangement gives a hearty application which incorporates dispersion, stock, E-business, bookkeeping and retail location work processes. This has been gotten consistently best open source grants in 2009 and 2010 from Infoworld and a lot more acknowledgments from different Organizations. It is created in java and prophet, postgres SQL databases can be utilized. OpenERP(Farmer TinyERP) This is exhaustive suite for all tasks of an Enterprise. It follows the particular methodology which causes client to start one application and afterward include others as they go. This is structured through a well known 3 level MVC design. Written in Python and Database is PostgreSQL. Customers are required to introduce streak parts in their internet browser to get to. OpenPro OpenPro is a pioneer in authorized Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) programming utilizing open source innovation and furthermore this is the main online ERP programming began on request in the market since 1988. This product planned as a stage free and is written in open source php. Throughout the years, Software has indicated consistent enhancements by giving propelled includes along application adjustment. This is perceived as most appropriate for the bigger organizations. Open Source ERP Pros and Cons Coming up next are the preferences and inconveniences of above open source choices. ADempiere Points of interest: Engineering Model driven Architecture Dynamic information word reference lessening 80% coding work in customization Program/Server + Client/Server Database free : PostgresSQL/Oracle/(MySQL) Capacity Structure Gives ERP, CRM, POS. Assembling module Multi Organization, Multi cash, Multi bookkeeping, Internationalization Market Top 5 in Existing client/client base. Rich practice in genuine business condition, as opposed to a guinea pig in the library. Network Exceptionally energetic and dynamic. Worldwide help. Hindrances: Network No formal political structure to decide. No predetermined guide. Absence of adequate financing, cannot bear the cost of center engineers. Market Not very notable to the overall population. Client/client base is little contrasted with SAP. Execution Not straightforward enough for brisk usage which is significant for little estimated undertaking. Complete Cost of Ownership (TCO) is moved from authorizing expenses to absence of skill nearby help in certain nations. Compiere Focal points Multi organization and complex corporate progressive system support Multi money and multi language support Conveys completely coordinated ERP item with complex distribution center administration preparing and so forth. Rich web applications by utilizing ajax coordination and this conveys usefulness, ease of use, responsiveness and personalization through a Web program The framework utilizes an incorporated and dynamic application word reference to store meta-information and rules to overseeing custom arrangements Simple overhauls without programming which supports the client customization through redesign instrument Gives total application level security Seller free Steady and all around tried No data stowing away , full straightforwardness of coding by open source Remarkable wide come to, no beginning expenses Model driven engineering, Application registry is accessible Any sql database is bolstered Detriments Not as of now complete opensource, since the decision of Oracle database. In light of thick customer Java Swing GNU permit needs subordinate work to be returned. OpenBravo Points of interest Simple coordination with different applications since it underpins REST and SOAP administrations. Gives preparing, support, counseling, re-appropriating alternatives to accomplices and customers at lower costs implies lower complete expense of Ownership. Electronic ERP Progressive engineering Unique blend of MVC and MDD, inventive way to deal with assemble and keep up programming coding. Versatility Openbravo can scale independent of the size and division of the organization Simple establishment and No seller/provider lock in Seclusion with no support issues application can be effortlessly broadened. Burdens Indeed, even a normal individual can compose a PHT customer class for REST administration. This prompts security issues and shows the uncertainty on code dependability Presently at lower Support and upkeep cost, future isn't ensured since OpenBravo is business centered. Free coupling between database mix in coding point of view. OpenERP (Farmer TinyERP) Preferences It has larger part of all other application favorable circumstances. Secluded structure serves to simple appropriation of new applications Certain customization should be possible through internet browser in on the web SAAS administrations are accessible Extremely little impression, windows installer of simply 85MB, establishment will done in minutes time. Convenience Trend setting innovation utilization Very Innovating programming twofold passage the executives in stock control Internationalization 72% scored from Independent specialists bunch assessment in Open source erp virtual products. Impediments OpenPro Focal points Material for all sizes of organizations Composed on open source PHP First electronic programming, develop , solid and quicker Since electronic, customers or clients or agents can get to framework from anyplace remotely through a web. No support cost Shorter usage time Impediments No successive updates for open source though accessible for OpenPro business items. No help at liberated from cost. Need to pay More business arranged as opposed to open source. Assessment of Open Source ERP System Practical Fit Adaptability Backing Congruity Development Customization Flexibile redesigns Internationalization Ease of use Design Adaptability Security Interfaces Working System Independence Database Independence Programming language Bolster foundation Preparing Documentation Undertaking structure Network action Transperancy Update recurrence Other lock in impacts Advancement status Reference destinations So as to choose the best open source elective progressively organized models has been picked. All open source options data has been arranged into 5 gatherings and contrasted and every one of other alongside the need of organization prerequisites. The accompanying correlation table gives the away from of chose ERP framework. ERP System Implementation Strategy Execution is the key procedure for which organization needs to distinguish a key methodology. According to Guido Capaldo Study, demonstrated that an arranged situated methodology is required for evaluating the capacities that organizations ought to have so as to choose the more proper execution system. Usage process separated into 5 stages for smooth execution. Each stage has its own cutoff time to effective consummation. Stage 1: Strategic Planning Task Team: Forming an undertaking group with first line workers from every division and senior administration. Brilliant destinations will be set up for whole group and colleagues will be appointed with explicit errand. Action tracker will be intended to follow every movement, for example, timetables, preparing plan definition, objective settling. Look at current business forms: Team ought to analyze their individual office business forms whether they are prepared to robotize or to distinguish any holes which should be satisfied. Set Objectives: Clearly characterized destinations should be set. Since execution is a significant assignment, setting S.M.A.R.T destinations are progressively critical. So as to characterize a target, group ought to have the option to comprehend the extent of the business. Build up a venture plan: Team ought to build up a task plan with the obviously characterized destinations, courses of events, and preparing methods with each colleague singular duties expressed. Consequence of this, all colleagues lineup for the day will be obviously characterized. Stage 2: Procedure survey Survey Software Capabilities Train on every single part of OpenERP programming. Task group dedicatedly audit the product abilities. Guarantee that there are no any specialized holes. Recognize manual procedures Task group ought to distinguish the manual proces
Friday, August 21, 2020
Art management essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Workmanship the board - Essay Example On the equivalent legitimate issue, during the residency of the US president George W Bush, there was a fixing of limitations around the Cuba ban and it turned into somewhat harder for US residents particularly to get to work of art from Cuba openly as had been the situation previously. This was additionally because of campaigning by certain individuals from families who had their craft seized by the Fidel Castro system when he took power (Yulia, 2010). This is especially evident with the instance of the Billionaire Fanjul family that had a huge assortment reallocated and later sold by the Cuban government. They campaigned to have anybody exchanging their work of art pronounced to be infringing upon exchanging with the adversary laws set up to forestall exchange with Cuba yet under which fine art was absolved. Another law that the Fanjuls and others are depending on in their journey to recoup their lost work of art is the Helms-Burton Act which squares individuals that bargain in Cuban appropriated property and their close families from entering the United States and furthermore frees them up to installment of potential harms. For this situation there is the Argentinean workmanship seller Bruno Sciaoli whom they have learned to currently possess one of their under-appreciated skill pieces known as the Malaga Porta painted by Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida. This Act was anyway not worthy to the European Union which at that point passed a goals which forestalls its requirement inside the EU. The issue of the law not being enforceable in the EU emerges from the way that the EU perceives Cuba as a sovereign country just as its choice to nationalize resources which incorporates the seized fine art. In the US its ban laws restrict exchange the seized properties from Cuba. In the event that the state office attempts and sees the craftsmanship seller Bruno Sciaoli as blameworthy, at that point they will have opened a totally different time in the deals of this works of art. It will have confounded any deals of fine art sourced from Cuba which is going on at
music ap Essay Example
music ap Paper The relative height or lowness of a sound is called pitch Elements in music alludes to how boisterous or delicate A musical band comprises for the most part of metal, woodwind, and percussion instruments Musical groups vary from musical symphonies in that they try not to contain a string segment The saxophone is a solitary reed woodwind instrument Which of coming up next is certifiably not a twofold reed instrument? clarinet The ______ is comparative fit as a fiddle to the trumpet, however its tone is all the more smooth. cornet A discord is a mix of tones that is viewed as shaky and tense The focal tone around which a melodic piece is sorted out is known as the tonic Tweak alludes to a move starting with one key then onto the next inside a similar organization the dim ages in europe started around 450 with the crumbling of the Roman Empire The congregation disliked instruments in view of their prior job in agnostic customs most midieval music was gregorian serenade In the Middle Ages the organ bit by bit developed into an adaptable instrument that could play perplexing polyphonic music The principal huge group of mainstream melodies that makes due in understandable documentation was formed during the twelfth and thirteenth hundreds of years by French nobles called troubadours and trouvã ¨res The French mainstream tunes of the Middle Ages normally managed love, turning, campaigns Which of the accompanying explanations isn't valid for common music in the Middle Ages? The medieval jongleurs, significant wellsprings of data in when there were no papers, were likewise positioned on a high social level. The song added to the Gregorian serenade to frame organum around 1100 was normally ______________ the first serenade. more indipened and more slow A serenade that is utilized as the reason for polyphony is known as cantus firmus Common music in the fourteenth century turned out to be a higher priority than sacrosanct music did not depend on Gregorian serenade remembered drinking tunes and pieces for which feathered creature calls, hound barks, and chasing yells were imitated Which of the accompanying explanations isn't valid for Renaissance music? Instrumental music turned out to be a higher priority than vocal music during the Renaissance. The surface of Renaissance music is primarily polyphonic A cappella alludes to unaccompanied choral music WRONG Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrinas vocation focused in Florence preparing, as Josquins, was in Flanders music incorporates 104 masses and about 450 other sacrosanct works Which of the accompanying arrangers isn't a significant madrigalist? Josquin Desprez The Renaissance ballett is a dancelike melody for a few performance voices Terpsichore, an assortment of more than 300 move tunes, was masterminded instrumental troupe by Michael Praetorius The ____________ is a masterful move in duple meter like the pavane. passamezzo Which of coming up next isn't valid for Venice in the sixteenth century? It was a piece of the Papal States on the northeastern shoreline of Italy. wrong Which of the accompanying explanations isn't correct? St. Imprints Cathedral in Venice utilized up to twenty instrumentalists and thirty artists for terrific services. The word extravagant has at different occasions implied the entirety of the accompanying aside from naturalistic Ornate painters abused their materials to grow the capability of ____________ to make completely organized universes. shading trimming and detail profundity The early ornate was described by homophonic surface The performance instruments in Bachs Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 are the ____________, violin, and harpsichord. woodwind In numerous fugues, the subject in one voice is continually went with in another voice by an alternate melodic thought called a(n) countersubject Turning the subject of a fugue topsy turvy, or switching the bearing of every interim, is called reversal Bachs individual melodic style was drawn from Italian concertos French move pieces German church music An assortment of organizations that shows all the assets of fugue composing is Johann Sebastian Bachs Craft of the Fugue Albeit all the developments of an ornate suite are in a similar key, they vary in meter national inception rhythm The ____________ is an instrumental piece dependent on a chorale. chorale preface An orchestra is a sonata for symphony The twofold bass in the old style ensemble, as in Mozarts Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, for the most part copies the cello section an octave lower Regular in old style music, the string bass part in Mozarts Eine Kleine Nachtmusik sounds an octave lower than the cello part The standard request of developments in an old style orchestra is quick, slow, move related, quick An old style concerto is a three-development work for instrumental soloist and symphony The most significant type of old style ambiance music is the string quirtet The piano trio is a melodic organization for violin, cello, and piano Haydn was blessed in having a long and productive, just as monetarily stable relationship with the honorable Hungarian group of Esterhã ¡zy Haydn was a productive writer, as exhibited to a limited extent by his 68 string groups of four and 104 ensembles Which of the accompanying articulations isn't correct? The finale of Beethovens Ninth Symphony depends on Schillers sonnet about human fellowship, Ode to Joy. Beethoven opened new domains of melodic articulation that significantly impacted arrangers all through the nineteenth century. Like Haydn and numerous different arrangers of the traditional period, Beethoven was best monetarily when in the administration of the privileged. In the finale of his Ninth Symphony, Beethoven made the remarkable stride of utilizing a melody and four independent vocalists. Like Haydn and numerous different authors of the old style time frame, Beethoven was best monetarily when in the administration of the nobility. Drawing inventive motivation from societies of grounds unfamiliar to the author is known as exoticism A sentimental arranger who earned his living as a visiting virtuoso was Franz Liszt The German arrangers of craftsmanship tunes supported, among others, the verse of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Heinrich Heine Robert Schumanns works are intensly personal. normally connected with elucidating titles, messages, or projects. basically melodious in nature. Liszt made the ______________, a one-development symphonic structure put together somewhat with respect to a scholarly or pictorial thought. musical sonnet Other than his melodic accomplishments, Mendelssohn was a gifted painter splendid conversationalist in four dialects fine author Instrumental music enriched with abstract or pictorial affiliations is called _______ music. program Tchaikovsky took part as a conductor in a show initiating Carnegie Hall in New York The German ace _____________ prescribed DvoYÃ ¡ks music to his own distributer, bringing about a fast spread of DvoYÃ ¡ks acclaim. Johannes Brahms The lyrics to The Ring of the Nibelung were composed by Wagner himself Striking a gathering of nearby keys on a piano with the clench hand or lower arm will result in a tone group Which of coming up next isn't normal for neoclassicism? foggy climate Neoclassical authors displayed a large number of their works after the structures of Johann Sebastian Bach Sergei Diaghilev was the chief of the Russian Ballet During the 1950s Stravinsky drastically changed his style, drawing motivation from Anton Webern Schoenbergs third period, in which he built up the twelve-tone framework, started around 1921 Which of the accompanying explanations in regards to Alban Berg is false? He made an extraordinary amount out of music in all structures. Weberns Five Pieces for Orchestra are scored for chamber symphony of eighteen soloists Porgy and Bess is a(n) show In 1921 Copland went to France, where he was the primary American to consider organization with Nadia Boulanger A jazz sound outcomes from its assortment of pitch emphases the sort of vibrato utilized the specific way tones are assaulted and discharged Which of the accompanying proclamations isn't accurate? Jazz is commonly played by a little combo of three to eight players, or by a major band of ten to fifteen. Jazz can be depicted by and large as music established in ad lib and described by timed musicality, a consistent beat, and particular tone hues and procedures of execution. Jazz can be documented as effectively as some other melodic structure. Some jazz act of spontaneities are put together not with respect to a tune however on a consonant example, or arrangement of harmonies. Jazz can be recorded as effectively as some other melodic structure. treemonisha is a(n) _______________ by Scott Joplin. drama The lord of jazz is recognized to be Scott Joplin The wonderful and melodic type of the blues was promoted in the early long stretches of the twentieth century through the distribution of Memphis Blues and St. Louis Blues, made by William C. Convenient The blues typically follow a 12-bar design as a reason for ad lib can be upbeat or pitiful, quick or moderate might be vocal or instrumental Vocal blues frequently contain sexual references are strongly close to home manage the agony of treachery, departure, and solitary love New Orleans style Dixieland thrived in the United States from 1900 to 1917 The run of the mill type of a swing sythesis is 32 bar aaba One of the main figures throughout the entire existence of jazz, and the arranger of such organizations as Black, Brown, and Beige and Sophisticated Lady, is duke ellington which of the accompanying articulations false? Operetta, or comic oper
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