Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Why I Want to Live in Japan and Teach Children Essay

This program involves everything I would want in a career/experience. This program would allow me to take enjoyment in educating children as well as learning and beholding one of the most historically prosperous country. In my own employment experiences, I determine that I am happiest helping for the volunteer programs involving children. I am excited to have a chance to work with children as well as fulfill my love of history, art, and culture. I have spent most of my adult life working in a job that I take very little joy from. The joy I have experienced in my current employment is helping others and providing them a reason to smile. What can top that feeling I get from helping an adult customer? Helping the†¦show more content†¦I tried several methods to find a beneficial method in reading. It was like a puzzle. We trained very hard for the whole school year. Even though the work was hard, we both had much fun together. We modify outside games to improve spelling and reading skills. I allowed him to pick books of his interest. He learned beyond his grade level. I learned children can learn very differently from one another. It is exciting to unravel the mystery and put it into practice. I examine the Amity website and see that a sound methodology is in place. I am excited to use this type of methodology. M.A.T. (Model-Action-Talk) program, from what I read, is a very logical way to learn. I would be honored to encourage children in Japan to learn English as well learn from them. For the last 17 years, I have learned about other cultures within four walls and a book. At Radford University, I majored in Political Science with a focus in international politics. So I experienced Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America through the authors word. My college career was full of books, essays, and projects focused on comparative politics. Learning and researching on the topic of Japan is fun but it is limited. It is not the same as going to these f oreign interesting cultures. It was a thrifty manner to learn about the globe, particularly if the educator themselves has never observed the country. I hunger to immerse myself in other cultures. I welcomeShow MoreRelatedJapanese Fables: The Influences1116 Words   |  5 Pagesin the place of humans. In relating fables to the Japanese culture, I discovered that animals play an important role in Japanese culture. And as in most cultures, stories play a big role also. So by using common sense, any person could assume, and be accurate, that there are many fables in Japanese culture. So, Animals are used in Japanese Tales because they have a strong tie to the Japanese culture and its many influences. 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